
1. Begain by explaining which sport you have chosen and why.
2. Make three short paragraphs using the following outline:
1) how you became interested in that sport;
2) your favourite athlete;
3) what you do to improve you skill
3. Give a reason for each of your ideas: one for each paragraph.
4. Finish by saying what you hope to do with this sport in the future.
5. Make you sentences more interesting by using some different linking words.

I have chosen to play tennis as a hobby not only because I want to keep fit, but also because I have been interested in this sport for a long time.

I became interested in this sport when I saw my cousin playing tennis with her friends when I was much younger. Her skills were so great and movement was so grateful. The beauty of this sport immediately attracted me and I become very interested in tennis. However, at the time, I was still too young for this sport. Now that I am older and have the opportunity to learn it, I will definitely try my hardest so that I will also be able to play tennis as beautifully as my cousin did.

My favourite tennis player is Roger Federer. He was born in Switzerland and is one of the greatest tennis players of all time. I enjoy watching his tennis matches a lot. Besides his excellent skills in playing tennis, I admire him also because he is a very generous person. He has established his own foundation to allow disadvantaged children to receive an education. Moreover, he has also participated in many other fundraising events to help other less unfortunate people.

I was initially very bad at tennis. In order to improve my skills, I not only paid a lot of attention to my coach during training, but also did a lot of practice at home with my parents. I am now planning to find other friends who are also interested in tennis and to practice playing tennis with them. I believe that practice makes perfect and only with enough practice, will I be able to do well in this sport.

All in all, tennis is an extremely interesting sport to me, and I wish to keep it as a hobby later on in life. I believe playing tennis everyday will not only keep me fit, but also free me from some studying pressure. I hope I will become better and better at tennis in the future!






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第1个回答  2015-12-13
I choose basketball,in that I am really keen on it.
Basketball is the very thing that can attract my all attention.It is so intersting that when I play it with my partners I forget everthing.No matter how depressed I was the last second,I do become energetic after playing basketball.
My favorite basketball player is undoubtedly Kobe Bryant。As is well known to all,he is quite hard-working and diligent.Keeping up practicing basketball for long hours is what he does everyday.It is just his perseverance and devotion to basketball that touched me and inspire me to learn from him.
As an old saying goes:"Practice makes perfect."I believe only by constant exercise could I make progress in playing baskeball.Hard as it is to stick to,I will make every effort to achieve my goal.
In the future,I dream to be an excellent guard in a professional baketball team as I am short and flexible. In a word,I feel happy and forturenate to play bsketball.


第2个回答  2015-12-13
1ssa1 tfytgvfhfhtfhtfftttfhfh追问

