

Hi! I am a Chinese midge school student__21__ Li Ping.I am writing to tell you about an ex-
periment We are doing at school with our science teacher.At the beginning of this school year.Mr.Wang showed__22__films and we read articles(文章)about problems in the environment.One day he said.“1 want to know__23__you山ink.Please__24__me what We should do or must do.Tell me what each of you will do to protect the environment.”Some students said that they thought__25__Was possible for each person to protect the environment if he really wanted to.Someone __26__said that scientists should work harder to find new ways to produce energy.
Next week,1 will think about how__27__water or keep it clean.I am planning to try and use
__28__water every day.and also not to use so much of the things that make it dirty.Each time I turn on the tap.I must think about how much water __29__.
If you__30__to know more or join US,please write an e-mail to the following address:Ping
21.A.name B.named C.names D.naming
22.A.we B.our C.US D.ours
23.A.what B.how C.when D.where
24.A.not tell B.not to tell C.to not tell D.don’t tell
25.A.it B.that C.this D.its
26.A.other B.else C.another D.others
27.A.saving B.save C.saved D.to save
28.A.little B.a little C.less D.the least
29.A.is used B.using C.used D.use
30.A.wants B.want C.wanted D.are wanting
1 waited for this day for a long time! I had a new__31__and invited my friends here for din-net! I couldn’t __32__well the night before.I just thought about what I should cook for them and
how to make my house look__33__.
It was a lot of fun to__34__things for my new house.I came back home a bit later then,at a.
round 6:20 pm.I started to __35__1 After all of my friends came,I__36__my house to them.
Then we started to have dinner at about 8:00 pm.Everyone__37__ the food.Some of them even
sang and danced! They were all very happy.I felt really__38__that I cooked for them and treated
them__39__family members,especially Fonny.She helped me a lot__40__I just arrived and had
no place to live in.1 wanted to give her a big thank-you dinner 1
31.A.bike B.house C.ear D.box
32.A.eat B.play C.sleep D.drink
33.A.nice B.dirty C.quiet D.well
34.A.buy B.make C.keep D.take
35.A.t}link B.wash C.wait D.cook
36.A.gave B.sent C.showed D.had
37.A.ate B.enjoyed C.bought D.brought
38.A.great B.sad C.angry D.hungry
39.A.as B.for C.by D.with
40.A.what B.where C.how D.when
Boys and girls,welcome to Teen Talk.Do you often make friends on the Internet? Do you have difficulties when you fire chatting with your net friends? What problems make you puzzled? Today,Professor David Smith will give us some advice.

41.What are the problems with the kids? They don’t know
A.how to talk with the professor
B.what to do on the Internet
C.how to look for information on the Interne
D.what to do when their net friend ask them to do something
42.What’s the professor’s advice?
A.Don’t tell much about yourself to strangers on the Interact•
B.Don’t make friends on the Interact.
C.Don’t talk with the adults too much on the Internet.
D.You should believe what your friends say.

43.What do the underlined words“skip it”mean according to the passage?
A.忍受它 B.不用理它 C.它跳起来 D.安静地听它
44.The passage is a__________
A.talk show B.piece of news C.speech D.class
Too late
The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning.They were expecting
a valuable pared of diamonds from South Africa.A few hours earlier,someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds.When the plane arrived,some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while other8 were waiting on the airfield.Two men took the pared off the plane and carried it into the Customs House.While two detectives were keeping guard at the door,two others opened the parcel.To their surprise,the precious parcel was full of 8tones and sand I
45.The detectives were at the airport________
A.to meet a plane B.to stop a robbery
C.to watch the building D.because the plane was late
46.The detectives waited inside the main building.This Wilts the________.building.
A.most important B.smallest C.first D.tallest
47.The detectives were________ a valuable parcel of diamonds.
A.expecting B.waiting
C.expecting for D.expecting to
Scott is asking for a job at a trading company.
Mr.Zhang:Tell me about your educational background.
Scott:I went to A11llui University.I studied business there.
Mr.Zlumg:Have you taken any other courses beside business at the university?
Scott:Well,I have taken a few computer courses and English courses.
Mr.Zhang:How is your English writing ability?
Scott:I think it’s pretty good.I write a lot of e-mails every clay.I can also speak and write
some French.
Mr.Zlaang:And you’re good with computers?
Scott:Yes,I think SO.I’m very good with Word and Excel.
Mr.Zhang:What kind of working experience do you have?
Scott:1 worked at a trading company for two years.We had lots of customer in Europe and
North America.I also spent three years working at a local computer company.
Mr.Zhang:OK,We’ll consider your application and call you Soon.Thanks for coming in.
Scott:Thank you for your time
48.Which of t}le following is NOT one of Scott’s skills?
A.Speaking French. B.Designing products.
C.Using computers.D.Writing English.
49.Before asking for this job,Scott__________
A.worked in Europe for two years
B.did business with customers from South America
C.worked with computers
D.taught computer courses at a university
50.What may Scott have to do if he gets the job?
A.Write letters in English. B.Teach French in Europe.
C.Take several courses. D.Do lots of homework.
1.Tony S___________ electing Joyce to be the chief editor because she had experience
2.The d_________ of her pet cat makes her really sad.
3.My good friend hasn’t called me recently-p_______ he’s lost my phone number.
4.You will be very f________ to see the invisible fish,because she’s the most beautiful creature
5.My little brother’has many foreign classmates as he studies in an i_________ shcool
6.We are discussing what our teacher__________ (提及)just now
7.Can you_________ (想象)the life without water?
8.The people in the village all wish their life happy,healthy and_________ (富有的).
9.The robber robbed the bank of much money.He is________ (有罪的).
10.People were very interested in the_________ (设计) of the logo.

11.How do you like our city?(改为同义句)
___________do you___________ of our city ?
12.His mother only allows him to play computer games at weekends.(改为被动语态)
He___________ only___________ to play computer games at weekends.
13.The news is SO exciting.(改为感叹句)
___________ ___________news it is !
14.The foreigner came to Guangzhou three years ago.(请用for three years为时间状语改写句子,注意作适当的时态变化)
The foreigner___________ ___________ in Guangzhou for three years.
15.Wang Lin caught a bad cold.Wang Lin didn’t go playing football with US yesterda);.(请用合适的连词把两个句子合并成一句)
Wang Lin didn’t go playing football with US yesterday_________ ________ caught a bad cold.
Many parks in Guangzhou___________ ___________ ___________all.
___________ ___________ ___________ ___________,people cant work out the problem
Many people have done a lot for improving our living environment. We should___________
___________ ___________them.
Many children studying abroad should___________ the ___________to live alone
Your clothes has___________ ___________ color ___________mine
I get up very early every day___________ ___________ to get breakfast ready for my son.
Computers___________ ___________ ___________to solve many problems.
My name is Li Hua.I am a student in Junior Grade Two from Xin Hua Middle School.
第1个回答  2020-12-09


第2个回答  2014-06-12
5 B
1 next to
2 go skating
3 took photoes本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2014-06-12
1. next to 2.go skating 3.took photos
第4个回答  2014-06-12
next to go skating took photos