

lucky 读音:英[ˈlʌki]、美[ˈlʌki](百度翻译发音);



Lucky Fuyeor won the first prize.


No, I am lucky. I do not have to wait at all. A bus came just as I got to the stop.


第1个回答  2022-07-15

1. 带“be lucky to do sth”的英语句子有哪些

1.People want to work in football & only few are lucky to be able to do so.


2.As you can probably tell by now, I really do "Love" what I feel so lucky to be able to do.


3.I was lucky to be able to do that; I had help from many people around me.


4.All right? If I'm gambling, I'm saying, gee, if I'm really lucky, it'll be only on this side, and I've got a little bit of work to do, but if I'm unlucky, I'm scrawed, the past pluperfect of screwed, OK., or a Boston fish.


5.We hung that sign at the end of our drive way to remind us how lucky we were to be able to dowhat we wanted to do.


6.When we left that afternoon, we were acutely aware of how lucky we were to be able to do so.


7.Some of you may be lucky to have streams nearby but many do not.


8.And one day, I hope I'll be lucky enough to find someone who will do the same for me.


9.I have so much to do; I'll be lucky if I'm ready by next Christmas.


10.We certainly do not think we will be lucky to know all of the victims.


2. 有关"dog"的英语短语(要10个)

It rains dogs and cats倾盆大雨

You are a lucky dog.你真是个幸运儿。

love me love my dog爱屋及乌

My boss is a jolly dog.我的老板是个风趣的家伙。

Every dog has his day.凡人都有得意时。

David works like a dog .David工作真卖劲儿。

The film must be a real dog.这部电影一定很糟糕。

Your partner is a dirty dog.你的合伙人是个卑鄙小人。

The poet died like a dog .这位诗人潦倒而死。

They treated him like a dog.他们把他看得粪土不如。

You can't teach an old dog new tricks.老人难改变。

He is really a dead dog.他是个没用的东西。

There is no point in having a dog--eat--dog attitude.

A: We are just making a living here and I thind there is no point in having a dog--eat--dog attitude.

B: You are absolutely right.We should be more cooperative.

A: 我们都是在这里谋生,我想采取相互攻击的态度是没有意义的。

B: 你是对的,我们应该精诚合作。

在英语中,由动物构成的英语短语诙谐幽默、秒趣横生并且寓意深刻。有时在口语中用上几句,会令人有耳目一新的感觉。但使用时要注意东西方文化中动物的比喻和象征的差异,以免造成误解。在西方,狗被称为人类最好的朋友(man's best friend),英语中有大量“关于狗的习惯用语”(canine idioms)。在英语中,dog既可以是中性词,也可以含有贬义,还可以表示一种亲密的关系。 在《圣经》中就有关于狗的谚语,例如:A living dog is better than a dead lion。(Ecclesiates:9:4《传道书》9章4节)活狗胜过死狮。(即:贱而有用的东西胜过贵而无用的东西。) 生活中,狗被用来形容形形色色的人:即有lucky dog(幸运的人),也有dead dog(没用的人,没有价值的人);既有top dog(斗胜了的狗,喻指“优胜者,左右全局的人”),也有under dog(斗输了的狗,喻指“失败者”)。 我们熟悉的成语有: 1)You can't teach an old dog new tricks (老狗学不回新把戏) 2)Every dog has its day.(凡人皆有得意日。)。。。
