美剧, lost'

-关于它的经典台词, 最好中英对照。

要新的, 看过的说话,


【影片类型】喜剧 动作 动画
【影片导演】马克·奥斯本 Mark Osborne
约翰·斯蒂文森 John Stevenson
【影片编剧】乔纳森·阿贝尔 Jonathan Aibel
格伦·伯杰 Glenn Berger
【动作指导】鲁道夫 Rodolphe Guenoden
【发行公司】派拉蒙影业公司 梦工厂动画室 DreamWorks Animation
【影片片长】96 分钟
【拍摄日期】2005年9月24日 -

国家/地区 上映时间
中国|China ------------------20日,6月,2008
俄罗斯|Russia --------------5 日,6月, 2008
新加坡|Singapore----------5 日,6月, 2008
爱沙尼亚|Estonia ----------6 日,6月, 2008
美国|USA--------------------6 日,6月, 2008
墨西哥|Mexico -------------20 日,6月, 2008
中国香港|HongKong ------20 日,6月, 2008
澳大利亚|Australia --------26 日,6月, 2008
中国台湾|TaiWan ----------28日,6月, 2008
阿根廷|Argentina ----------3 日,七月, 2008
德国|Germany -------------3 日,七月, 2008
巴西|Brazil -----------------4 日,七月, 2008
冰岛|Iceland ---------------4 日,七月, 2008
土耳其|Turkey ------------4 日,七月, 2008
英国|UK --------------------4 日,七月, 2008
比利时|Belgium -----------9 日,七月, 2008
法国|France --------------9 日,七月, 2008
新西兰|Netherlands -----9 日,七月, 2008
西班牙|Spain -------------11 日,七月, 2008
委内瑞拉|Venezuela ----11 日,七月, 2008
丹麦|Denmark ------------18 日,七月, 2008
挪威|Norway --------------18 日,七月, 2008
瑞典|Sweden -------------18 日,七月, 2008
日本|Japan ---------------26 日,七月, 2008
芬兰|Finland -------------1 日,八月, 2008
意大利|Italy --------------29 日,八月, 2008

导演 Director:
约翰·史蒂芬森 John Stevenson
马克·奥斯本 Mark Osborne
编剧 Writer:
Jonathan Aibel
Glenn Berger
杰克·布莱克 Jack Black .....阿宝(Po)
成龙 Jackie Chan .....灵猴(Monkey)
达斯汀·霍夫曼 Dustin Hoffman .....师傅(Shifu)
刘玉玲 Lucy Liu .....毒蛇(Master Viper)
伊恩·麦柯肖恩 Ian McShane .....雪豹太郎(Tai Lung)
安吉丽娜·朱莉 Angelina Jolie .....飞虎女(Master Tigress)
塞斯·罗根 Seth Rogen .....猛螳螂(Master Mantis)
迈克·克拉克·邓肯 Michael Clarke Duncan .....Commander Vachir
大卫·克罗斯 David Cross .....仙鹤(Master Crane)
丹·福勒 Dan Fogler .....Zeng
詹姆斯·洪 James Hong .....Mr. Ping
兰德尔·杜克·金 Randall Duk Kim .....Oogway
制作人 Produced by:
Jonathan Aibel
Glenn Berger
Melissa Cobb .....producer
摄影 Cinematography:
Yong Duk Jhun
剪辑 Film Editing:
C.K. Horness
艺术指导 Production Designer:
Raymond Zibach
美术设计 Art Direction by:
Tang Kheng Heng
视觉特效 Visual Effects Supervisor:
Markus Manninen
动作指导 Action guide:
鲁道夫(Rodolphe Guenoden),梦工厂的资深动画师,20年的业余武术高手,练过空手道、跆拳道、以色列军用搏击术,可惜就没练过中国功夫,他关于中国功夫的知识基本上来源于李小龙、成龙、周星驰的电影。他为《功夫熊猫》设计动作的一个基本原则是,不以西方式的魔法来“神话”中国功夫,也不以华丽的慢镜头敷衍,角色们的一招一式必须是写实的,力求真实感、重量感,更重要的是,它们的格斗技巧必须回归到动物的原始本能,比如鹤的轻盈优雅、猴的敏捷灵活(杂技味)、虎的刚猛稳健、螳螂的刚毅机智,以及蛇的速度、流动性和爆发力。

梦工厂动画 DreamWorks Animation [美国]
Pacific Data Images (PDI) [美国]
派拉蒙影业公司 Paramount Pictures [美国]
梦工厂动画 DreamWorks Animation [美国] ..... (2008) (USA) (theatrical)
Paramount Pictures [法国] ..... (2008) (France) (theatrical)
Universal Pictures International ..... (2008) (Netherlands) (theatrical)







◆ 制作周期长达5年,台前幕后多达448人。
◆ 动画人员极为国际化,分别来自美国、中国、加拿大、法国、意大利、西班牙、爱尔兰、英国、墨西哥、菲律宾、日本、瑞典、比利时、以色列等。
◆ 最大场面“挑选龙战士”一幕,有多达2,306名群众同场出现。
◆ 故事背景“太平谷”有多达1,478名不同造型的村民。
◆ 单是制作熊猫阿宝乘“火箭椅”冲上半空一幕,便同时动用了“箭火”、“光效”、“爆破”、“烟火轨迹”等多达54个视觉特技效果。
◆ 最宏伟的布景“翡翠宫”由多达88,100块组件建成。
◆ 角色造型细致,“盖世五侠”中的仙鹤身上便有多达6019条羽毛。



金丝猴Monkey:友好,幽默,热情,猴子大师是五位功夫高手中最平易近人的一位。他用随和的态度掩饰着他那非凡的军事才能。猴子很喜欢开玩笑,每次看熊猫学功夫的景象都特别开心… 金丝猴也是我国国宝,可能是因为猴拳的原因才上电影的吧?






雪豹太郎TAI LUNG:太郎(怎么象日本人)是他自己的忠实粉丝。曾几何时,所有人都认为他是史上最伟大的战士——当然他自己更相信这点。当众人认识到他贪婪的野心时,太郎暴露了他黑暗的本性:扫荡了整个村子最终被关进了牢不可破的Chorh-Gom监狱,度过了20年。在那里,太郎时刻等待着时机,寻找着逃脱的机会,出去结束他20年前挑起的战争。 雪豹,也是瞒凶狠的。

约翰·史蒂芬森 John Stephenson 参与影片:
《魔法灾神/沙仙活地魔/五个孩子与一个怪物/许愿精灵/砂之精灵/五个孩子和精灵 Five Children and It 》 (2004) ...
《动物农庄 Animal Farm 》 (1999) ...
《星际迷航 Lost in Space 》 (1998) ...creature shop supervisor: Jim Henson's Creature Shop
《星际迷航 Lost in Space 》 (1998) ...second unit director
《巴迪 Buddy 》 (1997) ...supervisor: Jim Henson's Creature Shop
《奥德赛 Odyssey, The 》 (1997) ...creative supervisor: Jim Henson creature shop
《101只黑斑狗 101 Dalmatians 》 (1996) ...creature shop supervisor
《新木偶奇遇记 Adventures of Pinocchio, The 》 (1996) ...second unit director
《英国病人 English Patient, The 》 (1996) ...visual supervisor: Jim Henson's Creature Shop
《小猪宝贝/我不笨,所以我要说话/小猪巴比 Babe 》 (1995) ...supervisor creature: Jim Henson Creature
《石头城乐园 Flintstones, The 》 (1994) ...supervisor: Jim Henson's Creature Shop
《布偶圣诞颂 Muppet Christmas Carol, The 》 (1992) ...creature shop - creative supervisor
《忍者龟 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 》 (1990) ...creative supervisor (uncredited)
《巫婆 Witches, The 》 (1990) ...animatronic designer
《 "The Storyteller: Greek Myths" 》 (1990) ...creative supervisor: Jim Henson's Creature Shop
《 "The Storyteller" 》 (1988) ...creative supervisor: Jim Henson's Creature Shop (unknown episodes)
《回到绿野 Return to Oz 》 (1985) ...mechanical characters mechanical design

马克·奥斯本 Mark Osborne 参与影片:
《 The 1 Second Film 》 (2007) ...painter (frame 7)
《 The 1 Second Film 》 (2007) ...associate producer
《棉球方块历险记/超级海绵大冒险-电影版 The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie 》 (2004) ...director: live-action sequences
《 Caffeine Headache 》 (2003) ...special thanks
《 'Weird Al' Yankovic: The Ultimate Video Collection 》 (2003) ...(video "Jurassic Park")
《 Dropping Out 》 (2000) ...'Thank You' Guy
《 Short 7: Utopia 》 (2000) ...
《 Dropping Out 》 (2000) ...
《 Herd 》 (1999) ...producer
《 More 》 (1998) ...
《 'Weird Al' Yankovic: The Videos 》 (1996) ...(video "Jurassic Park")

梦工厂官方共发布了2部预告片,精彩展示了KUNGFU PANDA的CG技术和诙谐幽默的影片风格。
预告片1: http://www.gongfuxiongmao.com/yugaopian.html
花絮: http://www.gongfuxiongmao.com/huaxu.html

看电影时留心音乐,汉斯·辛莫(Hans Zimmer)为该片配的乐。汉斯·辛莫是谁?好莱坞电影配乐的大师之一,其拿奥斯卡奖的作品就是《狮子王》的配乐。其他像《雨人》、《尽善尽美》(As Good As It Gets)、《埃及王子》的配乐,还有备受音乐迷推崇的《细细的红线》(The Thin Red Line)和《角斗士》的原声全出自汉斯·辛莫之手,甚至连去年的《阿森一族大电影》的音乐也是他做的,还记得该片那首彪悍的《Spider-Pig》吗?说不定《功夫熊猫》中也能有这么“囧”的东西出现呢。

01. Hero
02. Let the Tournament Begin
03. Dragon Warrior is Among Us
04. Tai Lung Escapes
05. Peach Tree of Wisdom
06. Accu-Flashback
07. Impersonating Shifu
08. Sacred Pool of Tears
09. Training Po
10. The Bridge
11. Shifu Faces Tai Lung
12. The Dragon Scroll
13. Po Vs Tai Lung
14. Dragon Warrior Rises
15. Panda Po
16. Oogway Ascends
17. Kung Fu Fighting (Feat. Cee-Lo Green and Jack Black)

主题曲:《Kung Fu Fighting》
歌手:Carl Douglas
Everybody was Kung Fu fighting
Those jerks were fast as lightning
In fact it was a little bit frightening
But they fought with expert timing
There were funky China men(funky:1. 惊恐的;畏缩的 2. 有恶臭的 3. 【俚】稀奇古怪的 )
From funky Chinatown funky China men 是时髦的中国男人的意思
They were trapping when up
They were trapping when down
It's an ancient Chinese art
And everybody knew their part
For my friend, ain't you a stiff
Then I'm kickin' from the hip
Everybody was Kung Fu fighting
Those kids were fast as lightning
In fact it was a little bit frightening
But they fought with expert timing
There was funky Billie Jim
And little Sammy John
He said, here comes the big boss
Let's get it on
We took the bow and made a stand
Started swaying with the hand
A sudden motion made me stiff
Now we're into a brandnew trip
Everybody was Kung Fu fighting
Those kids were fast as lightning
In fact it was a little bit frightening
But they did it with expert timing
Keep on, keep on
Keep on, keep on
Everybody was Kung Fu fighting
Those kids were fast as lightning
In fact it was a little bit frightening
Make sure you have expert timing
Kung Fu fighting, had to be fast as lightning
Keep on, keep on
Keep on, keep on
Everybody was Kung Fu fighting
Had to be fast as lightning

One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it
Your mind is like this water, my friend , when it is agitated ,it becomes difficult to see ,but if you allow it to settle , the answer becomes clear.
Quit don’t quit. Noodles don’t noodles.
Yesterday is history
Tomorrow is a mystery
But today is a gift
That is why it’s called the present (the gift)
There are no accidents
but there are things we can control
I can control when the fruit will fall
... And I can control
What time to seed
7.乌龟:是啊 不过无论你做了什么,那个种子还是会长成桃树,你可能想要苹果 或桔子,可你只能得到桃子,那个种子还是会长成桃树。
Yes, but no matter what you do,
That seed will grow to be a peach tree
You may wish for an Apple or an orange
But you will get a peach
But peache can not defeate Tai Long
乌龟:也许它可以的 ,如果你愿意引导它、滋养它、相信它。
Maybe it can if you are willing to guide it , to nuture it , to believe in it .
you cannot leave ,real warrior never quits.
师傅:那你为什么不退出呢? 你知道我一直想把你赶走,可你还是留下来了。
Why didn’t you quit ? you know I was trying to get rid of you
but you stayed
Yes ,I stayed .
I stayed ,because every time you threw up brick on the head
or said I smelled ,it hurts.
But it could never hurt more than I did everyday in my life just being me .
I stayed ,because I thought ..
If anyone could change me ,
could make me not me ,
it was you
the greatest Kong Fu teacher in the whole of China!
9. 阿宝,天不遂人愿,况且这本不是天意,阿宝,忘了其它的事情,你的使命一直都在向你召唤。
I'm sorry things didn’t work out …
It’s just what it’s meant to be
Paul ,forget everything else ,your destiny still awaits.
We are Noodle folk
Broth runs deep through our veins
The secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup is...nothing.
To make something special ,you just have to believe it’s special.


由Beenox Studios开发Activision发行的功夫熊猫(Kung Fu Panda)是一款根据2008年上映的梦工厂动画电影改编的游戏,游戏中玩家不但可以控制主角熊猫,在某些关卡中也要使用熊猫的动物朋友们完成特殊任务。
- Windows XP/Vista/linux
- Pentium 1.5GHz(2G) AMD 闪龙
- 512MB RAM(1G)
- 128MB NVIDIA GeForce 5900 or ATI 9600 Pro/X600

第1个回答  2008-09-22
但有一句 我最喜欢的

You'll find me in the next life, if not in this one.
第2个回答  2008-09-16
1. Everything happens for a reason.

2. Live together, die alone.

3. You will find me in the next life, if not in this one.

4.don't mistake coincidence for fate.

5. Don't ever tell me what I can't do

6. ANA-LUCIA:"Shut up. When I tell you to do something, you do it -- I say move, you move -- I say stop, you stop. I say jump, what do you say?" (很酷地)

7. LOCKE: You see this little hole? This moth's just about to emerge. It's in there right now, struggling. It's digging its way through the thick hide of the cocoon. Now, I could help it -- take my knife, gently widen the opening, and the moth would be free. But it would be too weak to survive. Struggle is nature's way of strengthening it. (S1 ep7 The Moth )

8. Locke: Why do you find it hard to believe?
Jack: Why do you find it so easy?
Locke: It's never been easy.

9. Locke总是点睛人物
....every one gets a new life on this island, it's time to start yours.

.....same way, something lost and gets found again, i stop looking.....

Charlie: So you believe in destiny?

Locke: I believe in many things.

10. Charlie 那句 "Guys,Where are we?"是很多人当出决定把LOST往下看的关键


FYI: Top 50 Greatest Lost Quotes
(source from lost-forum.)

1. “We were brought here for a purpose, for a reason, all of us. Each one of us was brought here for a reason.”-Locke, to Jack (Exodus, Pt. II)

2. "If we can't live together...we're gonna die alone."-Jack, to all the castaways (White Rabbit)

3. "Guys... where are we?"- Charlie, to the group after hearing Rousseau’s distress message (Pilot, Pt. II)

4.Locke: I think... that's why you and I don't see eye-to-eye sometimes, Jack because you're a man of science.
Jack: Yeah, and what does that make you?
Locke: Me, well, I'm a man of faith. –Locke and Jack (Exodus, Pt. II)

5. “I want some friggin' answers!”-Hurley, to Rousseau (Numbers)

6. “Yes, I am ready. I ask for no forgiveness, Father, for I have not sinned. I have only done what I needed to do to survive. A small boy once asked me if I was a bad man. If I could answer him now, I would tell him that when I was a young boy, I killed a man to save my brother's life. I am not sorry for this. I am proud of this. I did not ask for the life I was given, but it was given nonetheless, and with it, I did my best.” –Eko, after Yemi or, more likely, the monster in Yemi form, requests he give his confession (The Cost of Living)

7. “I looked into the eye of this island, and what I saw…was beautiful.”-Locke, to Jack (White Rabbit)

8. “Do not mistake coincidence for fate.” –Mr. Eko, to Locke (What Kate Did)

9. Henry Gale: Course if I was one of them - these people that you seem to think are your enemies - what would I do? Well, they'd be no balloon. So I'd draw a map to a real secluded place, like a cave or some underbrush, good place for a trap. An ambush. And when your friends got there, a bunch of my people would be waiting for 'em. Then they'd use them to trade for me. [jokingly] I guess it's a good thing I'm not one of them huh?

作者: 小短裤 2007-5-27 22:59 回复此发言


2 LOST的经典台词
[Jack and Locke stare at Henry]
Henry Gale: You guys got any milk? –Henry (AKA Ben), to Jack and Locke (The Whole Truth)

10. “Because this, is it. This is all there is left. This ocean, and this place here, we are stuck in a bloody snowglobe!”-Desmond, telling Jack why he didn’t reach any other islands on his sailboat. (Live Together, Die Alone)

11. Michael: Who are you people?
Henry Gale: We’re the good guys, Michael. –Michael and Henry (AKA Ben) (Live Together, Die Alone)

12. “I did everything you wanted me to! Why are you doing this? Why did you do this to me?” –Locke, banging on the hatch door right before a light turns on inside (Deus Ex Machina)

13. “They're smart, and they're animals, and they could be anywhere at any time. And if you think that one gun and one bullet is going to stop them - think again.”-Ana-Lucia, telling Michael about the Others (Abandoned)

14. “Boone was a sacrifice that the island demanded.”-Locke to Jack (Exodus, Pt. II)

15. “Right behind you... jackass.”-Sawyer, after Jack suggests he is the one raiding the fuselage (Walkabout)

16. “But still I did not believe it to be true, so I dug up that grave, and in it I found not a woman but a man, a man named Henry Gale.”-Sayid, to Henry (Lockdown)

17. “We're not the only people on this island and we all know it!”-Locke, to the rest of the castaways (…In Translation)

18. “I’ll see you in another life, brother!” –Desmond, on several occasions (First heard in Man of Science, Man of Faith)

19. "Don't tell me what I can’t do!"-Locke, on several occasions (First heard in Walkabout)

20. “Baby, I am tied to a tree in the jungle of mystery. I just got tortured by a damn spinal surgeon and a genuine Iraqi. Of course I'm serious.”-Sawyer, after Kate asks him if he’s serious about wanting a kiss in exchange for Shannon’s asthma medicine

21. “I’m a complicated guy, sweetheart.”-Sawyer, to Kate, after joining the group heading up the mountain. (Pilot, Pt. II)

22. “I was wrong.”-Locke, to Eko, as the hatch explodes around them (Live Together, Die Alone)

23. “I remember peanut butter.” –Claire, to Charlie (Homecoming)

24. “If we tell them what we know, we take away their hope... and hope is a very dangerous thing to lose.”-Sayid, to the group after finding the French woman’s message (Tabula Rasa)

25. “We’re gonna have to take the boy.”-Mr. Friendly/Bearded Man, to Michael and the others on the raft (Exodus, Pt. II)

26. Shannon: You say that now, but you don't... You're just gonna leave me. I know as soon as we
get out of here you’re just going to leave me.
Sayid: I will never leave you. I love you. –Sayid and Shannon (Abandoned)

27. Jack: I don't believe in destiny.
Locke: Yes, you do. You just don't know it yet. –Jack and Locke (Exodus Pt. II)

作者: 小短裤 2007-5-27 22:59 回复此发言


3 LOST的经典台词

28. “Dude, you’ve got some Arzt on you.”-Hurley, to Jack after noticing a piece of the exploded man’s flesh on his back (Exodus, Pt. II)

29. Kate: I can't leave without you!
Jack: Yes, you can! Go!
Kate: Jack, I can't!
Jack: Go! Now!
Kate: Jack, I can't!
Jack: Kate, Dammit, RUN! -Kate and Jack, arguing over walkie-talkie about whether Kate and Sawyer should escape without Jack (I Do)

30. “Should I go get a ruler?”-Kate, as Sawyer and Jack argue (Lockdown)

31. Locke: Why do you find it so hard to believe?
Jack: Why do you find it so easy?
Locke: It's never been easy! – Locke and Jack, arguing about pushing the button (Orientation)

32. "I'm a bloody Rock god!"-Charlie, referring to his status as bass player of DriveShaft (The Moth)

33. “What do I want…kiss oughta do it.”-Sawyer, after Kate asks him what he wants in exchange for Shannon’s asthma medicine (Confidence Man)

34. Michael: Everything's cool. We had a talk and they believe we were on the plane, too.
Sawyer: Swell, I guess we can all sue Oceanic together. –Sawyer and Michael, referring to the new tail-section survivors (Everybody Hates Hugo)

35. “We’re going to need to watch that again.”-Locke to Jack, after watching the Orientation Video for the first time. (Orientation)

36. Kate: I’m sorry I kissed you.
Jack (after pausing): I’m not. –Jack and Kate (SOS)

37. “I'm sorry I forgot the blankets.”-Hurley, to an unconscious Libby (?)

38. “Jack and Locke are a little too busy worrying about Locke and Jack.”-Ana-Lucia, to Sayid and Charlie (The Whole Truth)

39. “No, I think you misunderstood me. I didn't say I was gonna do it. I just wanted you to understand how you're gonna die.” –Jack, to Ben, after explaining the horrors of his spinal tumor and Ben thinking Jack has agreed to operate. (I Do)

40. Shannon: I’ve just been through a trauma here okay!
Boone: We’ve all been through a trauma. The only difference is you've actually given yourself a pedicure since we crashed." –Shannon and Boone (Pilot, Pt. I)

41. Jack: I think I'm going crazy...
Locke "You're not going crazy, Jack. Crazy people don't think they're getting crazy. They think they're getting saner. –Locke and Jack (White Rabbit)

42. "Put your gun back in your pants, Sawyer." –Kate, to Sawyer (Pilot, Pt. II)

43. "It doesn't matter, Kate, who we were, what we did before this, before the crash. It doesn't really matter anymore. Three days ago we all died. We should all be able to start over." –Jack, to Kate. (Tabula Rasa)

44. Hurley: How does something like that happen?
Rousseau: Are you on the same island as I am?
–Rousseau and Hurley, discussing the Black Rock being so far inland (Exodus, Pt. I)

45. Rose: My husband is not dead.
Jack: Rose, he was in the tail section of the plane. It broke off in mid-flight. I'm sorry, but
everyone who was in the rear of the plane is gone.
Rose: They're probably thinking the same thing about us. –Rose and Jack (Walkabout)

46. “There's nothing you can do for them yet. First you have to clean up your own mess.” Boone, in Locke’s dream as Locke tries to call out to Jack, Kate and Sawyer (Further Instructions)

47. “This is not your island. This is our island. And the only reason that you're livin' on it, is because we let you live on it.” –Mr. Friendly/ ‘The Bearded Man’, to Jack, Locke and Sawyer (The Hunting Party)

48. “You got a band-aid?”-Sawyer, to Michael after pulling a bullet out of his arm (Adrift)

49. “I know, how modern of me.” –Claire, referring to her being unmarried and pregnant (Tabula Rasa)

50. Locke: I'm not lost anymore.
Sun: How did you do that?
Locke: Same way anything lost gets found...I stopped looking. –Locke and Sun (…And Found)