

sound admirably 发出羡慕的声音
sound faintly 发出微弱的声音
sound fortunately 幸运地发出声音
sound impressively 发出给人深刻印象的声音
sound loudly 发出响亮的声音
sound luckily 幸运地发出声音
sound melancholy 发出悲哀的声音
sound nicely 发出美妙的声音
sound perfectly 发出完美的声音
sound queerly 发出奇怪的声音
sound remarkably 发出奇特的声音
sound satisfactorily 发出满意的声音
sound silly 听起来荒唐
sound splendidly 发出响亮的声音
sound sweetly 发出甜美的声音
sound wholesomely 健康地发出声音
sound out 试探

sound for 为…试探
sound on 关于…试探

sound in(v.+prep.)
▲sound in sth
1.成为有依据的 become to have basis
Those remedies to rent which sound in contract have already solved.那些根据合同的租金的补偿已经解决了。
2.表示出…的样子 perform
He always sounds in folly.他总是表现出一副愚蠢的样子。
sound like(v.+prep.)
听起来像 just listen to (sth) like (sth)

▲sound like sth
What he said sounded like a fairy-tale.他说的听上去简直像一篇童话。
It sounds like thunder.这声音好似惊雷
That sounds like a good arrangement.这样的安排听起来不错。
sound off(v.+adv.)
1.吹奏起来; 行军时喊数 play a signal or musical instrument; count while marching

▲sound off
The bugler sounded off.军号吹响了。
Ask the musician to sound off, and then we can start.让乐师奏起来,然后我们就可出发了。
The men must not make any mistakes while sounding off.士兵们喊数时不得出错。
2.明确而大胆地说出 express an opinion freely and forcefully, especially to brag or complain loudly
▲sound off
I could hear father sounding off to his class on his favourite subject again.我听见父亲又在班上对学生们滔滔不绝地谈起他所喜欢的话题。

▲sound off about sth
Has he been sounding off about his golf game again?他是不是又在呱啦呱啦地说他的高尔夫球比赛?
John's always sounding off about the extremely poor quality of the beer at our local pub.约翰总是抱怨本地酒吧的啤酒质量极其低劣。
sound out(v.+adv.)
试探意见,探听口气 try (especially cautiously or in a reserved manner) to learn sb's views, sentiments, etc.

▲sound sb⇔out
He will sound them out for us.他会为我们试探一下他们的看法的。
We'll have to sound out the opposition before we decide what action to take.在我们采取行动以前,我们得探探反对派的口气。
He sounded out the other members of the club about the proposal.他探询过俱乐部其余成员对这一建议的看法。
Let's sound him out on the proposal.让我们探听一下他对这个建议有什么看法。
I will sound out the manager on the question of holidays.我将就假日问题试探经理的意见。