

给泰山老母上香时,香左边高右边两根一样高的现象,并没有特定的含义或预兆。这种现象 often attributed to迷信 practices, where individuals seek guidance or predictions through the observation of burning incense. However, such practices lack scientific basis and are merely coincidental.
The length of burning incense can be influenced by various factors such as the quality of the incense, its composition, density, presence of drafts, oxygen distribution, and the timing of ignition. These factors do not indicate any divine messages or signs from deities. If gods or spirits exist, they would presumably have more direct methods of communication rather than resorting to such complex and unreliable signs.
It is important to distinguish between faith and迷信.迷信 refers to unfounded beliefs and practices that are often used by individuals, particularly those with ulterior motives, to deceive and exploit others financially under the guise of spiritual guidance.
In summary, the perceived significance of the left and right incense sticks being of equal height when praying at the Mount Tai Grandma Temple is a result of迷信 and has no inherent meaning or foreshadowing.