
1.The c_______ is the key to the 21^st century.
2.When I was ten years old,I became i______ in swimming.
3.S_______ on the Internet is very interesting.
4.Getting information on the Interent is very c______.
5.The network s______ has been improed.
6.Skateboarding is a p______ spror around the world.
7.There are some r_______ why skateboarding is so cool.
8.Table tennis is our n______ game.
9.People from all v______ of life like table tennis.
10.Deng Yaping is an e_______ at playing table tennis.
11.A newpaper reporter needs to keep up with the l_____ news.
12.Speed is a major factor in many traffic a______.
13.It's also very important to keep a safe d______.
14.In many foreign countries,there is a y_____ light between the

red and the green lights.
15.I have the s______ idea.
16.What kide of t________ do you usually take?
17.In a larger hotel, the receptionist welcomes and r_____ the

18.Xiaohong is old e_____ to go to school.
19.Thanks for your k______ help.
20.New Year's Day is an important f______ in China.
21.It's d______ crossing a street without looking at both sides.
22.Suzhou is f_____ for its beautiful garden.
23.The s_____ on and around the Danube makes the river even

more charming.
24.A_____ 5 to 3 and you have 8.
25.The scenery of Mount.Tai a_____ thousands of visitors coming.
26.Mother said to her son,"You are no longer a child,you should

learn to be i______."
27.I stayed up too late last night.Now,I'm very t_____.
28.John recevied a birthday persent,but he didn't a_____ it.
29.He is my good friend. He always s____ joys and sorrows with

30.What are your v_______ on the matter?
31.With the help of my English teacher,my English has greatly

32.I hope you can be a_____ to society after leaving school.
33.I'm very g_____ to you for your kindness.
34.I have got a part-time j_____ recently.Iserve as a waiter in a

35.The doctor said,"Please drink p____ water and have a good rest.You'll be better soon."
36.All the young people are greatly i_____ in popilar music.
37.Hangzhou is f______ for the West Lake.
38.There is something wrong with my watch.I'll have it r____ tomorrow.
39.Yesterday I received a beautiful gift byt I didn't a_____ it.
40.He picked up a wallet and sent it to the p_____.
41.Go down this road,trun left at the second c_______.
42.The girl is sick.Now she is l_______ in the bed.
43.It usually takes me 50 m______ to get to the Summer Palace by bus from my home.
44.I've been busy p______ lessons for the mid-exam these days.

1. computer
2. interested
3. Surfing
4. convenient
5. system
6. popular
7. reasons
8. national
9. varieties
10. expert
11. latest
12. accidents
13. drive
14. yellow
15. same
16. trip/tour
17. receives
18. enough
19. kind
20. festival
21. dangerous
22. famous
23. scenery
24. Add
25. attracts
26. independent
27. tired
28. accept
30. viewpoints
31. improved
32. accustomed
33. grateful
34. job
35. purified
36. interested
37. famous
38. repaired
39. accept
40. police
41. crossing
42. lying
43. minutes
44. preparing