

  内容概括: 故事从一个奴隶主与一个奴隶贩子的讨价还价中开始。

  The story from his master and a slave traffickers in the bargaining began.
  Kentucky, the United States of his master Shelby speculation in the stock market failure, in order to debt repayment, decided to sell two slaves. One is Tom, he is in the plantations Shelby was born, when childhood serve on the owner of a small home, Pode masters of favor, as an adult on a charge of slaves, loyalty and put the interests of all the masters of the spirit of maintaining . Another is to sell the black and white slaves mixed Nvnu Eliza's son Harry, Eliza she is not a Fushoutieer listen to the mercy of a slave owner, when she occasionally heard the owner to sell Tom and his son Harry, on the night with his son in the pursuit of the slave traffickers off the ice floes over the Ohio River, fled to freedom, and then to Canada. Her husband Geoge is planted near the venue of slaves, also await a chance to escape, and his wife convergence, with children, through difficulties and dangers, and finally in the IAF sent with the help of organizations, successfully arrived in Canada.
  Tom is another kind of experience. He knows that and support Eliza escape, but he did not escape. Since he was young his master instilling fear of God, Nilaishunshou, Zhongshun in such masters of the Christian preaching, he sold the owner settled, and no complaints, willing to listen to the mercy of the owner. He was sold to New Orleans, a slave traffickers Haley slaves. In a drowning accident, Tom was a daughter of his master Eva's life, the father of the child's Klein from the hands of Haley will be bought from Tom. When the domestic servants, people rush for the main carriage. Tom and feelings of a little girl. The little girl died suddenly shortly, according to Klein's daughter his wishes, decided to Tom and other liberation of black slaves. But when has not been enough time to complete the liberation of the legal formalities, St. Clemens in the first accident of being killed. Klein's wife, not the liberation of black slaves and other Tom, but they will be sent to the slave auction market. Since then, Tom fell an extremely savage and cruel "Red River" plantation hands of his master Lai Geli. Lai Geli the slave trade as "talking animals", arbitrary whip, flagrantly lynchings. Tom endure this inhuman torture, still did not expect to find a way out for themselves, but quietly pursued a person to do an honest principle. The two Nvnu plantations in order to survive, decided to flee, they go into hiding. Tom Lai Geli suspected of helping them escape, Tom tied up, beaten in the Pikairouzhan, Siquhuolai. But Tom finally show his resistance to his master, did not say anything. Tom dying at the time, he masters of the past, the first time he sold his master's son Qiaozhixieer Shelby came redemption than Tom, because Tom is a small servant and Shelby childhood playmates, but Tom has been unable to benefit from his past masters of the small belated assistance, Biantilinshang and passed away. Qiaozhixieer than the punched Lai Geli hard to knock over the ground. Tom buried the spot. Kentucky returned home after the small Shelby on behalf of Uncle Tom to his name in the liberation of all the black slaves, and they said: "Every time you see Uncle Tom's Cabin, we should think of your freedom."
  感受:   《汤姆叔叔的小屋》对社会发展起到了积极作用,特别是对美国废奴运动和美国内战中以林肯为代表的正义一方获得胜利,产生了巨大的作用。林肯总统曾戏称本书作者是“写了一本书,酿成了一场大战的小妇人”,充分反映了《汤姆叔叔的小屋》这部长篇小说的巨大影响。

  翻译:"Uncle Tom's Cabin" to social development has played a positive role, particularly the United States Abolitionist movement and the civil war in the United States to Lincoln for justice on behalf of the party to victory, produced a huge role. President Lincoln once joked author of the book is "written a book, a World War II led to the Little Women", fully reflects the "Uncle Tom's Cabin" the tremendous impact of this novel.
      from the beginning of the 17th century, the Americas on a slave trade. Some African slave traders in a variety of means to arrest and imprisonment of blacks, and then they crowded into the cabin, to the American continent for trafficking in slaves. Black slave's fate is tragic, as they were "talking tools," the rods and sticks to drive away under the whip in the heavy labor, and they often do not have enough food, not to wear warm, living conditions and livestock almost . It can be said that slavery is human exploitation mode of production in the most cruel and the worst kind.
      read "Uncle Tom's Cabin", I deeply feel when black slaves from their family and friends suffer the pain and anger. I remember people Khvostov said that such a sentence: "Uncle Tom's grave in the former, I swear to God, never want to have slaves, no longer let others because I have left family and friends - like Tom His uncle, died in lonely farms. "
      "Uncle Tom's Cabin" there is a description of a true story. In the "Uncle Tom's Cabin" before, I absolutely can not think all the world was there such a cold-blooded, cowardly and brutal, this treatment has been a living! And a group of their own people as human, this should be on an equal footing and his group of people, has become a slave to obey his master, to them, this is not fair, why their lives out in the end we should, as a dog The same man! His master who have thought about the feelings of their slaves? » At that time the world is really unfair!
第1个回答  2008-08-30
第2个回答  2008-09-01