

Student Association

Today, our school launched a set of five-year sustainability targets aimed at reducing the school’s environmental footprint and creating a renewed focus on environmental issues .

Over the next five years our school has committed to cutting its disable products consumption in half and achieving a 45% diversion rate for waste, while reducing its electricity consumption by 20%, its greenhouse gas emissions by 30%, and its water consumption by 20%.

As an educator, our school will offere a comprehensive program in environmental education, providing skilled graduates that work in all areas of the environmental sector. We have also make it a key strategic priority to reduce our own environmental impact and incorporate sustainability and environmental responsibility into all our programs and services.”

With significant input from students, and the desire to make sustainability a key priority, our school will form its sustainability committee next week. The committee includes student, faculty and staff representatives and has a mandate to identify the school’s key environmental impacts and recommend ways for the college to achieve its environmental goals.

Let's save the world, save our human beings.
第1个回答  2011-12-17
Dear students,
At present, people all over the world tend to use less energy. It is important to deal with the global warming and save the earth. We should use less air-conditioning as it is a waste of electricity. And as we know, water is limited, so we should not leave the water running when washing our hands or brushing our teeth. What we should also do is that we turn off the lights when we leave our classrooms or dorms. When we have meals, we’d better not use the plastic bags and one-off chopsticks. In addition, it is suggested that we use both sides of our exercise-books.
Let’s take action to protect our living environment. Remember that to save the earth is to save ourselves.
The student Union
第2个回答  2011-12-17
第3个回答  2011-12-20
Environmental problems arenot for individual country or individual people to address. In other word, we have reached the stage that environmental problems be solved for international view. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In recent years, many nations have become more aware of the environmental issues each nation faces, such as air and water pollution. The question is, are the environmental issues a national problem or an international problem? It is my belief that the environmental issues have grown to the point of becoming an international problem needing international cooperation to resolve.

Because of the differences in environmental policies, resources and technology, international cooperation could provide quicker results and have a greater impact on bringing resolution to environmental problems for nations of differing environmental policies and of lesser resources By pooling international resources and technology to address the environmental problems, the disadvantaged nations are provided the assistance needed. Otherwise their environmental conditions deteriorate ultimately affecting the resources and environment of the world as a whole.
ultimately affecting the resources and environment of the world as a whole.
As part of the same planet, it is the responsibility of each individual and nation to protect the global environment.