
随机接物外同尘 应变无方内入神
心地出离三界苦 洞天游赏四时春
金丹大药经年久 火枣交梨逐日新
一服定超生死海 不知谁是有缘人

双双燕 春山
春烟淡荡 青山媚行云 乱飘空界 花光石润 秀出洞天奇怪 户牖平高万丈尽 耳目临风一快 多生浩劫尘情 旷朗浑无纤芥  堪爱逍遥自在疎枷锁 抛离业根寃债 风邻月伴 道合水晶天籁 无限峥嵘胜景 尽赐与山堂教卖 千圣宝珠酬价 问君谁解

第1个回答  2012-03-10
这是以前道士卖丹药忽悠人的诗。类似迷xx幻xx药之类。(Sell snake oil)
On its outside it looks common. But it sips into your mind.
Your mind will stay away from all kinds of pains, as if it were touring in the Spring.
This medicine has been cooked since long time ago, but it gets better every day.
If you take this medicine you can live forever. But who knows who will be lucky enough to get it.

第二首描述风景 (scenery)

In the Spring, the clouds surround the montains, flowing around. The colors and shining on the rocks exhibits the peculiarity of this place. The mountains are very high. The winds make me feel comfortable and start thinking about life. Nothing blocks my view and I like such freedom from all the troubles in the world. The wind and the moon are my friends. My way matches the crystal sound. Such a beautiful scenery is being sold by the temple as if it were expensive jewelries looking for someone who knows the price.追问



随机接物外同尘 应变无方内入神 【外在的身躯还在尘世,内心已经开始神游】
心地出离三界苦 洞天游赏四时春 【心神可以脱离凡尘,到处赏春游玩】
金丹大药经年久 火枣交梨逐日新 【丹药已经炼了很久,但是越炼越好】
一服定超生死海 不知谁是有缘人 【吃了可以不死,但谁才能得到?】

春天飘着淡淡的烟雾,青山盘着流动的云,花和石头表现出钟乳石洞的奇异景象,石壁高耸,吹着微风让我想尽人生,眼前景色开阔,我就喜欢这样抛弃凡尘的自由,无拘无束,以风和月亮做伴侣,符合天地之道,这么美的山色,在这里叫卖 价值连城 但有谁知道它的可贵?


超棒 专业 牛~麻烦帮我看看这个 归山操
网上之前有翻译的 没你翻的好

第2个回答  2012-03-10
A man who is
Random things with the dust Yingbianwufang absorbed in
Heart out of the three realms cave tours four spring
Saver big medicine by fire, making pear daily new age
A set having dead I do not know who is the person
Both Yan Spring Hill
The spring of smoke light on Castle Peak Pro clouds floats arbitrarily group spend Shi Run show cave strange but even high radiant as a fast and more havoc windy dust feeling Kuang long at fiber mustard can be leisurely and carefree love could leave industry chains came next month with the root of the debt and crystal sounds unlimited scenery do give mountain church we teach selling thousands of the holy orb payment ask gentleman who solution追问




A man who is

随机接物外同尘 应变无方内入神

Random things with the dust Yingbianwufang absorbed in

心地出离三界苦 洞天游赏四时春

Heart out of the three realms cave tours four spring

金丹大药经年久 火枣交梨逐日新

Saver big medicine by fire, making pear daily new age

一服定超生死海 不知谁是有缘人

A set having dead I do not know who is the person

双双燕 春山

Both Yan Spring Hill

春烟淡荡 青山媚行云 乱飘空界 花光石润 秀出洞天奇怪 户牖平高万丈尽 耳目临风一快 多生浩劫尘情 旷朗浑无纤芥  堪爱逍遥自在疎枷锁 抛离业根寃债 风邻月伴 道合水晶天籁 无限峥嵘胜景 尽赐与山堂教卖 千圣宝珠酬价 问君谁解

The spring of smoke light on Castle Peak Pro clouds floats arbitrarily group spend Shi Run show cave strange but even high radiant as a fast and more havoc windy dust feeling Kuang long at fiber mustard can be leisurely and carefree love could leave industry chains came next month with the root of the debt and crystal sounds unlimited scenery do give mountain church we teach selling thousands of the holy orb payment ask gentleman who solution
