英语写作中常用且经典的短语或词组 要附中文的 不要粘贴一大堆给我 谢谢

英语写作中常用且经典的短语或词组 要附中文的 不要粘贴一大堆给我 谢谢

第1个回答  2007-08-25
一路顺风 have a pleasant journey
去度假 go on a holiday
旅游/观光 go sightseeing
带领某人游览 show sb. around a place
处理垃圾 deal with rubbish
净化空气 make the air clean
比赛结果 the result of a game
赶上去 catch up with
参加课外活动 take part in out-of-class activities
乐于助人 be ready to help others
在老师的帮助下 with the help of the teachers
坚持下去 hold on
轮流;替换 take turns
保持/打破记录 break/keep the record
长体重/减肥 put on/lose weight
节食 go on a diet
别紧张 take it easy
好好休息 have a good rest
休长假 take a long holiday
休假一天 have a day off
看好莱坞大片 see a Hollywood blockbuster
洗淋浴/洗澡 take a shower/bath
熬夜 stay/sit up late
遵守/违反校规 keep/break the school rules
全心投入 put one’s heart into
就某方面给某人提建议 give advice on how to do sth.
养成做…的习惯 form the habit of doing
给某人量体温 take one’s temperature
