

第1个回答  2022-06-20
full audience 满座的观众
full brothers 亲兄弟
full bus 满载乘客的公共汽车
full cargo 满载的货物
full daylight 大白天
full details 详细叙述
full dress 盛装
full glass of wine 一满杯酒
full harvest 丰收
full house 客满
full information 详细的资料
full life 有丰富经历的一生
full marks 满分
full maturity 完全成熟
full meal 丰盛的一餐
full membership 正式成员
full mobilization 充分的动员
full name 全名
full notes 详细记录
full pay 全薪
full potency 最大潜力
full power 全权
full professor 〈正〉教授
full report 详尽的报道
full speed 全速
full statement 详尽的声明
full stomach 吃饱了肚子
full stop 句号
full supply 充足的供应
full text 全文
full tide 满潮
full view 全景
full voice 洪亮深沉的声音
quite full 十分满
so full 如此满
full of 充满着的,有很多的
full of joy (生活)充满欢乐
full of hope 充满希望
full of people 挤满了人
full of water 装满水的
full of admiration 怀着钦佩的心情
full of ambition 满怀雄心
full of energy 精力充沛
full of pride 充满自豪感
full of vigour and vitality 生气勃勃
full to 满到…
full to the brim 满到了杯、碗的边
full to the roof (旅馆等)住满了人的