
虽说才早上5点钟,可是太阳已经落山,正像所有的春季傍晚一样,那天晚上非常寂静,就在鸟儿还没有开始鸣唱着入睡的时候;或许在他们临睡时互相讲述故事之前。村子是静悄悄的。男人们整个上午播种完了以后,现在又照样出去,预备晚上去捕鱼。妇女们都出去在岩石间小块田里给母牛挤奶呢。 布丽吉德.吉尔一个人正在小屋中等待小儿子放学回家。儿子比平时晚回来一小时了。因为他只有9岁,她总为他放不下心,尤其因为他是独生子,又是难以管教的孩子,老爱调皮捣蛋,逃学,星期日去捉小鱼,在村子那边岩石堆中盖石头“城堡”玩。她不断暗自嘱咐自己等他回来,要好好骂他,揍他一顿,可是同时她又因着急而心跳,一有声音就跳起来,冲到门口,顺着蜿蜒的小路张望,小路在暮色苍茫中已看不清楚。很多危险情况都可能在小孩子身上发生。儿子的晚饭:干煎鱼和烧马铃薯还在炉灶内炉膛火旁的泥炭中温着。桌子有盘子、刀子和满满的一杯脱脂牛奶。他终于听到了远处男孩子们快活的叫嚷声,冲出门去,看见他们矮小的身影欢蹦乱跳,不是沿着路回来,而是越过岩石堆向左走,手里拿着帽子。

第1个回答  2011-08-24
Although before five o'clock in the morning, but the sun is, as all of the spring evening, night is very quiet, not yet started singing in birds with asleep; maybe they go to bed each story before. The village is quiet. The men finished the whole morning after sowing, now still go out, ready to go fishing at night. The women were all out in small fields between the rocks to milk the cow. Bree Gil Kydd. One is the hut waiting for small son came home from school. Son back an hour later than usual. Because he was only 9 years old, she always fit for his heart, especially because he was an only child, it is difficult to discipline children, the old love of mischievous, truancy, Sunday to catch fish, in the village side of the rock pile cap rocks" Castle". She constantly asked himself secretly waiting for him to come back, to take scold him, and beat him up, but also because of her anxious heart, there is a voice jumped up, rushed to the door, looked down the winding paths, the path in spreading shades of dusk already do not know. Many dangerous situations may happen in children. Son's dinner: dry fish and potatoes are still burning stove inside furnace in peat fire temperature. Table with plates, knives and a full glass of skim milk. He finally heard the distant boys happy cries, and dashed out of the door, they saw little figure dancing and skipping with joy, not along the road back, but over the rock heap to the left, his hat in his hand.