
2011-2012-1 期末口语测试题
1. A and B are talking about “naked['neikid] wedding”. A explains the meaning of “naked wedding” to B and says it is very romantic for young couples. But B holds that it is unacceptable.
2. A and B are good friends. A finds that B has been in a low mood for several days. B says she is worrying about her sister because she got a serious disease recently. A comforts B, offers his help and gives several suggestions for good health.
3. A and B are classmates in university. A tells B that he has difficulty in falling asleep recently and he doesn’t know why. From the symptoms described by A, B finds it is the pre-examination anxiety and then teaches A how to relieve it.
4. A and B hold different opinions towards campus love. A looks forward to it, but B expresses his/her doubt about whether it is true love or not. A lists several advantages of campus love and tries to persuade B, while B believes that campus love brings more disadvantages than advantages.
5. A and B are talking about different kinds of pressures on university students nowadays, such as academic pressure, parental pressure, peer pressure and pressure from worries about their future career. Then they exchange opinions on various ways to relieve the pressures.
6. A, a Chinese young man, has just gone to New York for his university study. He felt uncomfortable soon after he got there. When A met B, a Chinese professor teaching in an American university, he describes the problems and the symptoms of his discomfort. Professor B gave him some suggestions on how to get over culture shock.
7. A wants to have a party and asks B to suggest some guests. B names Bill, who has just broken up with his girlfriend and is feeling low. B then mentions Amy, who is an overseas student from Japan. A admits to being forgetful and thanks B.
8. A and B are sophomores of the same major in the university. They are talking about the first year of their university life. They mention their favorite and least favorite subject and teacher.
9. A is going to have an interview and asks B for advice. B advises A to pay attention to his/her appearance (hair and dress) and manner (polite but firm). B also advises A to tell about his/her character (team spirit and honesty), to ask about the job requirement but avoid asking the salary.
10. After being away from his hometown in the north for more than three years, A has come back home in spring and finds a clear blue sky instead of a sandstorm. A and B talk about the dust storm in the past. Then B tells A how the city has improved the environment.

第1个回答  2011-12-19
第2个回答  2011-12-19
第3个回答  2011-12-14



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第4个回答  2011-12-12
第5个回答  2011-12-12

