Mini Bridge uses a background process called SwitchBoard to communicate with Adobe Bridge. If SwitchBoard can't open Adobe Bridge, then Mini Bridge can't display your files. This issue also occurs if Photoshop, InDesign, or InCopy can't communicate with Adobe Bridge through SwitchBoard. Solutions to the "Waiting for Bridge CS5" error involve fixing this SwitchBoard communication. Try the following solutions in order, and stop when you resolve the issue.
Solution 1: Re-create the SwitchBoard preferences files.
Quit all Adobe applications.In the Finder (Mac OS) or Windows Explorer (Windows), navigate to one of the following folders:• Mac OS X: /Users/Your User Name/Library/Preferences/Adobe• Windows 7/Vista: C:\Users\Your User Name\AppData\Roaming\Adobe• Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\Your User Name\Application Data\AdobeNote: Replace Your User Name above with the name of your Mac OS or Windows user account. Delete the SwitchBoard folder.Restart your computer.Open Photoshop CS5, InDesign CS5, or InCopy CS5 and then open the Mini Bridge panel.
Solution 2: Add SwitchBoard to your firewall software's exception list.
Firewall software is used to protect computers from threats on the Internet. Some examples of firewall software are Mac OS Application Firewall, McAfee, Norton, Windows Firewall, and ZoneAlarm.If firewall software prevents Switchboard from communicating with Adobe Bridge, however, Mini Bridge can't display your files. Most firewall software can store a list of exceptions, that is, a list of programs that are allowed to access network resources. It's possible that your firewall software calls these exceptions a "white list" or an "allow list."For instructions on how to add an exception to your firewall software, see the firewall software's documentation, or contact its manufacturer.SwitchBoard is installed to one of the following locations:Mac OS X: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/SwitchBoard/SwitchBoard.app32-bit editions of Windows: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\SwitchBoard\SwitchBoard.exe64-bit editions of Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\SwitchBoard\SwitchBoard.exeAfter adding SwitchBoard to the list of exceptions in your firewall software, restart your computer. Open Photoshop, InDesign, or InCopy, and then open the Mini Bridge panel.
Solution 3: (Windows) Ensure that the Windows hosts file contains its default entries.
SwitchBoard points to the localhost server, which is an internal name for your computer, to communicate with Adobe Bridge. By default, the Windows OS "hosts" file contains a reference to localhost. If the hosts file is missing this entry, however, or if this entry is incorrect, then Mini Bridge can't access your content.To determine what information is required in the hosts file for your edition of Windows, seeMicrosoft Support article 972034. This article also includes information about resetting the hosts file to its default.
Solution 4: (Windows) Clear the Windows cryptographic database and reset SwitchBoard.
The first time SwitchBoard runs on your computer, it uses information in the Windows cryptographic database to create values in the registry and switchboard.ini file. If SwitchBoard cannot read this database, then the resulting registry values and the data in switchboard.ini are all invalid. These invalid files prevent SwitchBoard from functioning.
Close all Adobe applications.Choose Start > Run (Windows XP) or click Start (Windows Vista or Windows 7), type "%appdata%\Microsoft\Crypto" (including the quotation marks), and press Enter.Rename the RSA folder to, for example, oldRSA.Choose Start > Run (Windows XP) or click Start (Windows Vista or Windows 7), and type regedit and then press Enter. The Registry Editor opens.In the left pane of the Registry Editor, navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\IAC. Select the IAC key.In the right pane, right-click the MD5ID value and choose Delete. Click Yes in the Confirm Value Delete dialog box.In the right pane, right-click the UserID value and choose Delete. Click Yes in the Confirm Value Delete dialog box.Close the Registry Editor.Choose Start > Run (Windows XP) or click Start (Windows Vista or Windows 7), type "%appdata%\Adobe\SwitchBoard" (including the quotation marks), and press Enter.Delete the switchboard.ini file. (If you do not see the .ini filename extension, then delete the file that is of the type Configuration Settings. The file has an icon that looks like a notepad with a gear on top of it.)Restart your computer; open Photoshop, InDesign, or InCopy; and open the Mini Bridge panel.
Solution 5: Create a different user account.
Occasionally, a user account can become corrupted, which can prevent SwitchBoard from accessing or creating the necessary files. Create an account with the same permissions as your current account, log in to the new account, and then run your Adobe applications.For assistance creating a user account, see the following documents:Creating a new user account in the Mac OS X HelpHow to create and configure user accounts in Windows XP, Create a user account in Windows 7, or Create a user account in Windows Vista on the Microsoft support website.For additional assistance, contact your system administrator.