Today is a sunny day.Daddy let's go shopping now....谁知道这首儿童英文歌曲名?

Today is a sunny day.Daddy let's go shopping now,I want to buy the squirt gun,Daddy buy it for me please.Today is a sunny day.Mumy  let's go shopping now,I want to buy the Barbie dolls,Mumy buy it for me please...... 谁知道这首儿童英文歌曲名?能把剩余歌词补全也行。

第1个回答  2011-12-31
逛街歌 Shopping song
Today is a sunny day.
Daddy! Let's go shopping now!
I want this squirt gun.
Can you buy this for me,please?
Today is a happy day.
Mommy! Let's go shopping now!
I wnat that Barbie Doll.
Can you buy it for me,please?
Shopping ,shopping ,shopping happily!
Daddy!Mommy! I will be a good boy.
Shopping ,shopping,shopping happily!
Daddy!mommy!Buy me lots of toys.