作文《the changes in my honetown》


第1个回答  2015-03-14
The Changes in My Hometown
My hometown is located in XXXCounty,XXXProvince. In late spring last
year, I, together with my parents paid a visit there. We started off early in
the morning and very soon we drove on the highway. Luckily there was
less traffic on it. It took us only 2 hours before we reached the exit where
we should get off the highway. Leaving the highway near my hometown,
we entered the local roads where the scenery attracted my attention. On
both sides of the roads, there are tall trees or smart cottages with the
same facades lining up as if to greet us. Bridges or overpasses are built
across the rivers and ditches. The fields which were covered with either
green vegetables or young wheat plants reached the far horizon. The roads
from the highway to the local villages are all paved with cement and
bitumen. The former old shabby houses, narrow and muddy roads, the
waste and barren lands had all completely disappeared.
On the way back home, my father said, “Great changes have really
taken place in our native home.”本回答被网友采纳