许多人喜欢(be fond of)中餐,在中国,烹饪不仅被视为一种技能,而且也被视为一种艺术。烹饪技艺(culinary skill)和配料(ingredents)在中国各地差别很大(vary)。但好的烹饪都有一个共同点,总是要考虑到颜色、味道(aroma)、口感和营养(nutrition)。由于食物对健康至关重要,好的厨师总是努力在谷物、肉类和蔬菜之间取得平衡(strike a balance among所以中餐既美味(tasty)又健康 (别用有道词典啊!要现翻译)
Many people are fond of Chinese food.In China,cooking is not only regarded as a skill,but also an art.Culinary skills and ingredients vary from different places in China.But there is a common feature among good culinaries that they all take color,aroma,taste and nutrition into consideration.Because food is essential to our health,good cooks always take pains to strike a balance among corn,meat and vegetables.Therefore,Chinese food is tasty and healthy.