
给你的朋友郭亲戚写信,他(她) 不久将会来家.告诉他(她)你已经或正在为他的到来做的一些准备.(不少於10句话)

第1个回答  2020-02-13
dear jam:
I'm so happy to hear you will come to my home.when i tell this news to my morther she was also very happy.i also remember the last time you come to my home.we all feel very happy.last time you said that you love the cake that my morther made.At this time my morther make so much cake for you .i think you will love it very much.we also prepared some other things for you ,such as orange,banana,amd drink.
I'm really want you come early.I miss you very much.we are waiting for your coming.