

第1个回答  推荐于2018-05-06

1) 一般疑问句
Is he a doctor?
Do you the way to the station?

He is a teacher, isn’t he?
It is quite cheap, don’t you think?

3) 特殊疑问句
What is the distance/width/size/population/temperature/fare?
Who is he?
What is he?(干什么的)
What is he like?
How is he?
How do you like him?
What do you think of him?
What ever do you mean by saying this?

He is a doctor or a nurse?

Do you know how old he is?
Tell me if (whether) you like it.
What do you think/say/suppose I should do?本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第2个回答  推荐于2017-08-11
① Are you + 名词?“你是···? 答“yes, 主谓”或者“no, 否定”
Eg. Are you American?
Yes, I am. ∕No, I am not.
② Is this your??? “这是你的??吗?”
Eg. Is this your skirt?
Yes, it is. ∕No, it isn’t.
③ Are ∕is there any???“有些??吗”
Eg. Is there any bread on the table?
Yes, there is. ∕No, there isn’t.
④ Can you ???“你能够(可以)??吗”
Eg. Can you speak English?
Yes, I can. ∕No, I can’t.
⑤ Do you like???∕Would you like some???“你喜欢??吗”
Eg. Do you like apple?
Yes, I do. ∕No, I don’t.
⑥ Do you want??? “你想要??吗?”
Eg. Do you want a cup of coffee?
Yes, please. ∕No, thanks.
⑦ Have you ???“你已经??了吗”
Has she had breakfast?
Yes, she has. ∕No, she hasn’t.
⑧ Is that all? “就这些了吗?”
That’s all.

二. 特殊疑问句。
(1)when did∕will you???“你(将)什么时候???”
Eg. When did you buy that car?
(I bought it) one year ago.
(2)where is∕are???“??在哪里?”
Eg. Where are you from? ∕where do you come from? “你来自哪里?”
I am from??∕I come from??
(3)who is ???“谁是???” 此时who在句子当主语。
Whom do you ???“你??谁?”此时whom在句子中当宾语
(4) whose is∕are???“??是谁的?”
Eg. Whose is this shirt?
This∕It is my shirt.
(5) What is ??? “??是什么来的?”
Eg. What is that? That is a cat.
What are you doing? “你正在做什么?”
I am doing ??
What are you going to do?“你准备做什么?”
What must∕should I do ? “我必须∕应该做什么?”
What do you∕they usually do? “你们∕他们平时都做什么?”
What’s your name? “你叫什么名字?”
What’s your favourite food∕sports∕colour???“你最喜欢的食物、运动、颜色??是什么?”
What are their job? “他们是做什么工作的?”
What do you do? “你是做什么工作的?”
What’s the time? “现在几点?” (what time is it now?)
What’s going on? “发生什么事了?∕事情怎么样啊?”
What’s the matter(with ??) “??怎么回事?”
What’s wrong with??? “??出什么错了?怎么回事?”
What’s the problem? “问题是什么?”
What’s your telephone number? “你的电话号码是多少?”
What’s the meaning of Thanksgiving Day? 感恩节的来源(意思)。
What thanks do you give? 你说了什么感谢的话?
What’s the weather like today? ∕How’s the weather today? “今天的天气怎么样啊?” What’s your opinion∕suggestions??? “你的观点∕建议??是什么?”
What is the purpose of the meeting. 会议的目的是什么?
What is the relationship between A and B? A 和B是什么关系?
What did you say? “你说什么?”
What do you think (of ??)? “你觉得(??)怎么样啊?”
What do you mean by??? “你这样是什么意思?”
What’s the point? “重点是什么?∕你指的是什么?”
What is your dream? 你的梦想是什么?
What would you like? “你喜欢吃点什么?”
What happened to you ? 你发生了什么事?
What’s the answer? “答案是什么?”
What’s the result? “结果是什么?”
What 加名词 后接谓语主语的特殊疑问句
What day is it today? 今天是星期几?(Today is ??)
What date is it today? 今天是多少号?(Today is ??)
What colour is it? “它是什么颜色的?”
What decision did you make? 你做了什么决定?
What kind of??do you like best? “你最喜欢哪种(个)???”
What nationality are you? “你的国籍是哪里的∕你是哪国人?”(I am Chinese.) What make is it? “它是什么牌子的?”
What suggestions∕advice∕tips ??do you give? “你的建议∕提示是什么?”your suggestions∕advice∕tips?
What university do you like to go to? 你想去什么大学?
What test did you take yesterday? 你们昨天测试什么了?
(6) how 如何,怎么样
How are you ? “你好吗?” ( fine, thank you. And you?)
How do you do? “(初次见面)你好!”
How do you feel? 你感觉怎么样?
How’s everything? “一切都好吗?”
How much is it? ∕how much does it cost? “它要多少钱?”
How much do you know about him? 你了解他多少?
How much milk is in the bottle. 瓶子里还有多少牛奶?
How many(可数)∕much(不可数)+名词 ??“有多少???”
How old are you ? “你多少岁了?”
How tall are you ? “你有多高?”
How long??? “多长(时间)???”
How fast ??? “??有多快?”
How far away ???“ ??有多远?”
How often do you??? “你多长时间??一次?”(问频率)
How can you you do∕say that? “你怎么可以那样做∕说?”
How is it possible that??? “??怎么可能?” = what is
How do they compare? “他们的比较级和最高级是什么?”
(7)which 哪∕那一个,哪∕那一些
Which one? 哪个?
Which ones? 哪些?∕哪双?
Which +名词 后接谓语或助动词,然后主语???“哪个???”
Eg. Which book is yours? 那本书是你的?
(8) why 为什么
Why +谓语∕助动词+主语?“为什么???”
Eg. Why was he late for school again? Why did you do that?
Why don’t∕didn’t +主语?“为什么不??呢?”
Eg. Why don’t you go with us?

1 你的故事好像不仅仅是幽默, 是吗?
It seems that your story is not just humor, isn’t?
2 这个故事有什么意义?
What’s the meaning of the story?
3 目前世界上有多少人在说英语?
How many people speak English in the world today?
4 在中国, 学生是怎样学习英语的?
How do students in China learn English?
5 为什么你认为学习英语很重要?
Why do you think it important to learn English?
6 这部电影是以什么为根据的?
What is the movie based on?
7 为什么电影会给观众留下了深刻印象?
Why did the movie leave audience a deep impression?
8 电影的新票房纪录如何?
How about its new box office record?
9 Bernard Shaw为什么被授予诺贝尔文学奖和奥斯卡奖?
Why was Bernard Shaw awarded both a Nobel Prize for literature and an Oscar?
10. Bernard Shaw上过大学吗?
Did Bernard Shaw go to university?
11 花多少天游览新西兰才够?
How many days would be long enough to spend visiting New Zealand?
12 如果住较小的旅馆, 每天要花多少钱?
How much should I pay if I live in a smaller hotel?本回答被网友采纳