请问谁知道Following fashion is unnecessary for young people的辩论英文材料


第1个回答  2014-05-18
http://cache.baidu.com/c?m=9d78d513d9971cf106b0d1255143c0666800d322668c8d4968d4e213d2735b30003abfec767551458085377001de1d01aae736037c5e67ebcedf883b9feccf6a71df33733042891b54955bb8ca3538dc65d51ffeaf6eacf1ba6cd5b9d2a48e090cd7045b21c1b69c5d744f9e2fa34b66f4a6ee1b541d07bb99673ea94e765f9f26&p=8b2a922990d802ff57eb9f311307&user=baiduSelect information from the following to support your opinion:a) Following fashion is a waste of time and money.b)Fashionable clothes at school can cause(导致)competition(竞争)and fights between students. c) Teenagers have enough pressure(压力)on them already. The pressure on teenagers to dress like pop stars for school is unnecessary(不必要的)and silly.d) School is a place for concentration(专心致志)and study. Students should wear simple clothes (for example: school uniforms) to school.e) If students all wore fashionable clothes, they would concentrate more on their clothes than their studies. f) Fashion and image are very important to teenagers.g) Teenagers have to follow many rules set by parents and teachers so their clothes are a way for them to express(表达)their personalities.h) The clothes that you wear don’t change the way that you study at school.i) Nearly all the teenagers think that the school uniforms are ugly.j) Young people should look smart.k) Teenagers may feel more comfortable when wearing their own clothes. And that’s good for their studying.