高分求助 谁帮我翻译这个简历 倾其所有100分赠送 谢谢

自 我 评 价 [修 改]


求 职 意 向 [修 改]

工作性质: 全职
目标地点: 南京市
期望工资: 1500-1999 /月
目标职能: 人力资源

工 作 经 验
2006/06--至今:爱涛天成健康水会(现改为爱涛利园大酒店) [修 改]
所属行业: 娱乐/休闲/体育
总经办 劳资主任
汇报对象: 总经办经理
下属人数: 9
证 明 人: 李凤芹
离职原因: 还没离职
工作业绩: 爱涛利园酒店员工手册的制作,岗位职责的编写,制定部门组织机构图,获单位优秀员工奖一次。


2005/11--2006/05:无锡好买的超市 [修 改]
所属行业: 快速消费品(食品,饮料,化妆品)
人事部 行政后勤主任
汇报对象: 总经理
下属人数: 300
证 明 人: 徐江
离职原因: 应为要去南京发展


2004/09--2005/08:无锡市新区巨力矿山机械有限公司 [修 改]
所属行业: 机械/设备/重工
人事部 人事文员
汇报对象: 部门经理
下属人数: 2
离职原因: 无发展前途

教 育 经 历
2000/07--2004/07 苏州大学 政治与公共管理人力资源专业 本科 [修 改]

证 书 [修 改]
2004/07 人力资源本科证书


2002/07 全国计算机应用技术证书

第1个回答  2007-04-06
第2个回答  2007-04-06
Self-assessment [revisions]

Able to work independently solve some of the things, the completion of an independent and

strong adaptability, good language skills, familiar with the nature of human resources,

overtime and travel can be prolonged, strict demands on themselves.

[Revisions] seekers to Italy

Work full-time in nature :
Nanjing location :
Expected wage : 1500-1999 / month
Objective functions : human resources

Work experience

2006/06-- healthy water rarer still : love Tao (Tao love replaced Lee Garden Hotel)

Industry : entertainment / leisure / sports
Xinying, director of labor

Responsible staff attendance, staff development and assessment system, the structural

adjustment of wages, payment of wages and salary scales of production, Performance

appraisal, and performance pay wages paid to new recruits staff training, the formulation of

rules and regulations, now serving. February 2007 became responsible for staff recruitment

and staff training

Object Manager : report Xinying
9 : number of subordinate
Prove : Research Lab
Reasons for departure before departure :

Performance : love President Lee Garden Hotel staff handbook produced duties in the

preparation, formulation department organizational chart. a staff award for units



2005/11--2006/05 Wuxi good buy in the supermarkets : [revisions]
Rapid industry : consumer goods (food, drinks, cosmetics)
Personnel Chief Logistics Officer
Formulate and implement a code of conduct for staff, pay close attention to discipline

staff, and implement the intent of the leadership responsible for the daily report of 2003,

timely preventive and remedial work.
Managing target : report
Subordinate number : 300
Mill prove :
Going to leave Nanjing for the development of reasons :


2004/09--2005/08 Wuxi New District : Juli Mine Machinery Co., Ltd. [revisions]
Industry : machinery / equipment / Heavy Industry
Personnel personnel clerk
Responsible for the recruitment, appraisal, wage negotiations and the cooperation of

fraternal hospitality.
Object Manager : report
Subordinate number : 2
Leave no prospects for development reasons :

After education
2000/07--2004/07 Suzhou University undergraduate politics and public administration, human

resources [revisions]
Staffing, and training personnel, the pay system adjustment and planning to become familiar

with the Labor Law, Law

Certificate [revisions]
2004/07 human resources undergraduate certificate


Certificate 2002/07 National Computer Application Technology
第3个回答  2007-04-06
I am able to solve problems independently with strong adaptability and initiative, which is accompanies by my excellent interpersonal communication skills and deep understanding of HR management. I am able to take frequent business trips and overwork, and I am self-disciplined and motivated to deliver the results. I am well-trained and experienced in HR development and training, personnel management, compensation program design, labor regulations and the corporate law.

Intention: to find a full-time HR-related position in Nanjing
Expected salary: RMB 1,500-1,999 monthly

June 2006-present Aitao Spa Club ( now Aitao Liyuan Hotel)
Industry: entertainment/leisure/accommodation
Position: HR Chief in General Manager Office
Job Description: Employee attendance management; compensation program design, making of payroll sheet and salary payment, performance review and bonus program making; employee training, making of internal regulations and policies; newly responsibility of employee recruitment and training from Feb. 2007
Results: Design and making of the employee manual book
Writing of descriptions and requirements for positions
Drawing of organizational chart
Won the Outstanding Employee award

November 2005 – May 2006 Wuxi Haomai Supermarket
Industry: convenient store/retailing (foods, beverage and cosmetics)
Position: Administration Director in HR Department
Job description: making employee rules; discipline of employees, implementation of HR strategies, daily reporting of cargo damage and losses and arrange compensation
Resigned to seek chances in Nanjing

September 2004 – August2005 Wuxi New District Juli Machinery Co., Ltd
Industry: Machinery/Equipment
Position: Clerk in HR Department
Description: Recruitment, attendance and payroll management as well as communication with partners

July 2000-July 2004, Majored in HR Management, Politics and Public Management College, Suzhou University, Bachelor Degree in Management

HR Management Degree, July 2004
National Computer Skill Certificate, July 2002