
12、When we reached the office,the clock on the wall was________ten.
A、beating B、hitting C、striking D、
13、It was for this reason _______her uncle moved out of new york and settled down in a small village.________
A、which B、why C、 that D、how
14、_If Tony doesn’t work__harderfor the coming test,he ______a lot of disappointment._____
A、goes in for B、 catches up with C、 comes up with D、is in for
14、If Tony doesn’t work__harderfor the coming test,he ______a lot of disappointment._____
A、goes in for B、 catches up with C、 comes up with D、is in for

第1个回答  2011-02-02
12、When we reached the office,the clock on the wall was________ten.
A、beating B、hitting C、striking D、
选C beat指打,打败,hit 通常指击中,strike指敲击,特指敲钟,knock指用手指叩,叩门。
13、It was for this reason _______her uncle moved out of new york and settled down in a small village.________
A、which B、why C、 that D、how
选C。 这是一个强调句型。it is/was......that(who)这样的句型被称为强调句型。这是一个考试中常涉及到的考点。中间省略号的部分是被强调的部分。以后只要看到以it is/was开头的句子就要注意了,在句子的后面部分必定会出现that/who,当被强调部分为人时,后面可以用that/who,如果是不为人的其他东西,那么只能用that.可以看出,用that是最安全的。
1、it 后面只能是is/was,不能为were,are,am 等词
2、被强调部分如果是状语,那么副词不能掉,如:in the room中的in,on the weekend中的on)。
3、强调句型的后面组成成分只能用who/that,不能为which,where ,why等词,而且用that 最安全。
14、If Tony doesn’t work harder for the coming test,he ______a lot of disappointment.
A、goes in for B、 catches up with C、 comes up with D、is in for
选D 这道题我对原题做了适当修改。译文:如果唐尼不能为更加努力地复习应考,那么他将遭遇很多的失望。go in for赞成 catch up with赶上,追上; come up with提出;be in for必定遭到;要遭受
第2个回答  2011-02-02
12、When we reached the office,the clock on the wall was________ten.
A、beating B、hitting C、striking D、

C 这几个都 有打的意思,beat是主要是指打败某人,打人等,hit也是打人,但主要是指打人,轻轻的那种,没beat那么严重 strike就是有罢工啦,还有敲钟的意思 knock就是敲门。
13、It was for this reason _______her uncle moved out of new york and settled down in a small village.________
A、which B、why C、 that D、how

C 这是同位语从句,reason后面一大堆的话是补充说明这个reason的,不是修饰,所以不是定语从句,如果定语从句which/that都可以,可同位语从句只能用that。
14、_If Tony doesn’t work__harderfor the coming test,he ______a lot of disappointment._____
A、goes in for B、 catches up with C、 comes up with D、is in for
go in for参加,从事;追求;赞成
catch up with赶上,追上;逮捕;处罚
come up with提出;想出;赶上
be in for必定遭到;参加,难免,可能遇到,要遭受(常指坏事):

第3个回答  2011-02-02
12 C 钟敲就用strike
13 C it was...that强盗句式
14.D be in for,将会有麻烦,将会受罚. go in for 报名参加,catch up with 赶上,come up with出现