

第1个回答  2016-05-29

昵称 :foster
身高:1.83cm Jon Foster是一名经验丰富的演员。他从家乡LOWA的当地剧院起步,最终将他的事业拓展到洛杉矶,登上电视和大荧幕。Jon兴趣广泛,有很多才能,比如敲鼓、弹低音电吉他,还会修老爷悍车。此外他还热爱单板滑雪,溜冰和拳击。他跟哥哥Ben Foster在洛杉矶一间公寓合住。Jon出演ABC的电视剧《我们眼中的生活》(‘Life As We Know It’,2004)
以上信息来斯IMDB, 由Lillian Zerquera编辑参演作品 《匹兹堡神秘事件The Mysteries of Pittsburgh 》 (2007) ...Art Bechstein
《 Tenderness 》 (2007) ...Eric Poole
《生存游戏 Stay Alive 》 (2006) ...Hutch
《 Windfall 》 (2006) ...Damien Cutler (13 episodes, 2006)
《寡居的一年/不道德的夏天 The Door in the Floor 》 (2004) ...Eddie O'Hare
《 Life As We Know It 》 (2004) ...Ben Connor / ... (13 episodes, 2004-2005)
《终结者3/终结者Ⅲ:机器的兴起/未来战士3/魔鬼终结者3 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines 》 (2003) ...Gas Station Cashier
《少女谋杀案 Murder in Greenwich 》 (2002) ...Michael Skakel
《 Broadcast 》 (2002) ...executive producer
《生命如屋 Life as a House 》 (2001) ...Corey
《 Danny 》 (2001) ...Henry
《惊爆十三天 Thirteen Days 》 (2000) ...Kenny O'Donnell, Jr. Jon Foster是演员Ben Foster的弟弟。
是A&F 2004年冬季的服装模特。
(谈及他演出的电影《地板上的门》(The Door In The Floor)2004)“这是一部表现强烈情感的影片,所有的情感。它是悲伤的,孤独的,同时又很搞笑,靠近尾声时几乎是闹剧。 就我的职业来说,我非常非常庆幸它是我接到的第一部戏。因为在这样一部电影里,角色很难被定型。做完这部电影,我觉得我应该不会再去接这样的角色了。”
(谈及他哥哥Ben Foster)“他绝对是我对好的朋友和我的导师。我父亲大部分时间都在出差,我主要是哥哥带大的。”
Date of Birth
3 August 1984, Fairfield, Iowa, USA
6' (1.83 m)
Mini Biography
Jon Foster has practiced his craft for many years. He started off in a local Iowa theatre and eventually furthered his career in Los Angeles with roles on television and on the big screen. He has very diverse interests and talents that include, playing drums, playing lead and bass guitar, and fixing up old muscle cars. He also enjoys snow boarding, rollerblading, and boxing. He shares an L.A. apartment with his older brother Ben Foster. Jon is currently starring in ABC's Life As We Know It (2004).
IMDb Mini Biography By: Lillian Zerquera
Is the younger brother of actor Ben Foster.
Was a model for clothing company Abercrombie & Fitch in Winter 2004.
Personal Quotes
(Discussing his movie The Door in the Floor (2004)) It's a very emotional movie, a whole range of emotions. It's sad, it's lonesome, it's very funny at the same time, almost slapstick near the end. In terms of my career, I was very, very lucky to have my first job this one, because it's hard to be typecast in this kind of a movie. After something like this, you don't really get chosen to do something like this again.
(On his brother Ben Foster) He's definitely my best friend and my mentor. A lot of time my dad was traveling so Ben really raised me.
(On his family and growing up) Well we moved a lot. I didn't just grow up in Iowa. I grew up in a lot of different places. We were all born in Boston, my brother and my dad, and I were all born in Boston, and then eventually we moved to Iowa. My dad and my mom create high-class nightclubs, bowling alleys, and billiard halls, places where women feel safe. And they're all over the country, so they travel back and forth to make sure they're all going smoothly.
