

第1个回答  2014-06-27
Basil 贝瑟尔
Beckett 贝克特

Berry 贝利

Beverly 贝弗利

Bailey 贝利

BAILEY m & f English
From a surname derived from Middle English baili meaning "bailiff", originally denoting one who was a bailiff.
BALDRIC m English (Archaic)
Derived from the Germanic elements bald "bold, brave" and ric "power, rule"... [more]
BALDWIN m English, Ancient Germanic
Derived from the Germanic elements bald "bold, brave" and win "friend"... [more]
BALFOUR m English (Rare)
From a Scottish surname, originally from various place names, which meant "village pasture" in Gaelic.
BARCLAY m Scottish, English (Rare)
From a Scottish surname which was likely derived from the English place name Berkeley, meaning "birch wood" in Old English.
BARNABAS m German, English (Rare), Biblical, Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek
Greek form of an Aramaic name... [more]
BARNABY m English (Archaic)
Medieval English form of BARNABAS
BARNEY m English
BARRET m English (Rare)
From a surname which was a variant of BARRETT
BARRETT m English
From a surname meaning "dispute" in Middle English, originally given to a quarrelsome person.
BARRIE m Irish, English
Variant of BARRY
BARRY m Irish, English
Anglicized form of BAIRRE... [more]
BART m English, Dutch
Short form of BARTHOLOMEW... [more]
BARTHOLOMEW m English, Biblical
From Βαρθολομαιος (Bartholomaios), which was the Greek form of an Aramaic name meaning "son of TALMAI"... [more]
BASIL (1) m English
From the Greek name Βασιλειος (Basileios) which was derived from βασιλευς (basileus) meaning "king"... [more]
BAXTER m English
From an occupational surname which meant "(female) baker" in Old English.
BEAU m English
Means "beautiful" in French... [more]
BEAUMONT m English (Rare)
From a French surname meaning "beautiful mountain".
BEAUREGARD m English (Rare)
From a French surname meaning "beautiful outlook".
BECKETT m English (Modern)
From an English surname which could derived from various sources, including from Middle English beke meaning "beak" or bekkemeaning "stream, brook".
BEN (1) m English, German, Dutch
Short form of BENJAMIN or BENEDICT... [more]
BENEDICT m English
From the Late Latin name Benedictus which meant "blessed"... [more]
BENJ m English
Short form of BENJAMIN
BENJAMIN m English, French, German, Dutch, Biblical
From the Hebrew name בִּנְיָמִין (Binyamin) which means "son of the south" or "son of the right hand"... [more]
BENJI m English
Diminutive of BENJAMIN
BENJY m English
Diminutive of BENJAMIN
BENNETT m English
Medieval form of BENEDICT... [more]
BENNIE m English
Diminutive of BENJAMIN or BENEDICT
BENNY m English
Diminutive of BENJAMIN or BENEDICT
BENSON m English
From a surname which originally meant "son of BENEDICT".
BENTLEY m English
From a surname which was derived from a place name meaning "clearing covered with bent grass" in Old English... [more]
BENTON m English
From a surname which was derived from a place name meaning "town near bent grass" in Old English.
BERNARD m English, French, Polish, Croatian, Slovene, Ancient Germanic
Derived from the Germanic element bern "bear" combined with hard "brave, hardy"... [more]
BERNIE m & f English
Diminutive of BERNARD, BERNADETTE, BERNICE, and other names beginning with Bern.
BERNY m & f English
Variant of BERNIE
BERRY (1) m English
Variant of BARRY
BERT m English, German, Dutch
Short form of ALBERT and other names containing the element bert, often derived from the Germanic element beraht meaning "bright".
BERTIE m & f English
Diminutive of ALBERT, HERBERT, and other names containing bert (often derived from the Germanic element beraht meaning "bright").
BERTRAM m English, German, Ancient Germanic
Means "bright raven", derived from the Germanic element beraht "bright" combined with hramn "raven"... [more]
BERTRAND m French, English, Ancient Germanic
Derived from the Germanic elements beraht meaning "bright" and rand meaning "rim (of a shield)"... [more]
BEVERLY f & m English
From a surname which was originally derived from a place name meaning "beaver stream" in Old English... [more]
BEVIS m English (Rare)
From an English surname which is possibly derived from the name of the French town Beauvais.
BIFF m English (Rare)
From a nickname which was based on the English word biff, which means "punch, hit, strike".
BILL m English
Short form of WILLIAM... [more]
BILLIE m & f English
Diminutive of BILL... [more]
BILLY m English
Diminutive of BILL... [more]