

第1个回答  2011-03-20
Life is to keep taking the challenge
Life is short. But we can make it longer even forever. How can we make it? How to live a meaning ful life? My answer is : Just keep taking the challenge.
After we are born, We have to meet different kinds of people, generous or selfish, kind or cruel, outgoing or stubborn. We should learn how to get on well with them. Don't be afraid to work with them. Try your best to make them know what kind of person you are. Try to make them know you love them.
During our llifetime, we may face a lot of difficulties and problems while we grwo up. Every one will do. Don't be lose your heart. As a proverb goes: Nothing is difficult in the world if you put your heart into it. Use your head and try to deal with them bravely. You will overcome them sooner of later. When you do that successfully, you will be more confident.
Sometimes, you may fail to do something or get something. Never give up. Try again, maybe you'll succeed after another try! Believe in yourself.
Where there is a will, there is the way. Life is to keep taking the challenge., I think. Do you agree with me?