

第1个回答  2022-10-22
There are great changes in my hometown during the last few years.People's housing conditions are apparently improved,all the roads have been widened and there are some newly-built significant scenes attracting more travellers.,4,写一封电子邮件给一个朋友关于你的家乡的变化英语作文
包括:住房条件 道路交通 人文景观
第2个回答  2023-06-14
Dear XX,
How have you been? I hope all is well with you. It's been quite some time since we last met and talked about our home towns.
I decided to drop you a line today because I wanted to share some changes that have happened recently in my hometown. As you know, I come from XX, a small town where I spent my childhood. While some things remain the same, other aspects of the town have undergone significant transformations.
Perhaps the most noticeable change is the rising population. Many young families have moved into town in search of a more peaceful life, so my hometown is becoming increasingly crowded and busy. There is more traffic on the streets now and more shops along the main road. The quiet, sleepy town I knew is slowly losing its rural charm.
Another trend I've noticed is the growing use of technology. When we were young, very few people had computers or smartphones. But today almost everyone is connected - from students to seniors. While this brings many conveniences, some worry that people interact less in person and miss out on real social contact.
Despite these changes, some things will always remain the same. The river we used to swim in still flows through town. The old church building where we attended summer camps is still standing. And the spirit of friendliness and community that defined our town when we were kids still exists.
Overall, though my hometown is changing, a part of my heart will always remain in that little town where I had my most treasured memories of growing up. I hope things continue to go well for you and that you are happy. Please write back soon and share any news about you.
Best regards,
(Your name)