

第1个回答  2022-10-11

1. 5月5日用英语怎么说

分英式与美式两种写说:英式:5th May美式:May 5例句:If you are single, you will find May 5 a good day to meet a new love interest with longterm potential, and on May 16, you may find sizzling chemistry with someone new. 如果你是单身,5号是个好日子——去找有意向发展长期关系的新伴侣; 16号,你也许会和新伴侣产生强烈的化学反应哦;。

2. 5月5日用英语怎么说


英式:5th May

美式:May 5


If you are single, you will find May 5 a good day to meet a new love interest with longterm potential, and on May 16, you may find sizzling chemistry with someone new.

如果你是单身,5号是个好日子——去找有意向发展长期关系的新伴侣; 16号,你也许会和新伴侣产生强烈的化学反应哦;

3. 我最喜欢的月份是五月用英语写作文

My favourite month is August.

I like it because we are on summer holiday and I can go swimming with my parents. I can play basketball with my friends. During holidays I can go to learn how to play the piano from the teacher. I can go traveling with my mother to other cities and visit my grandparents. The weather is fine in August.

4. 我想知道英语五年级的作文怎么写关于你喜欢什么季节写5句

I like spring best. Spring is not cold or hot, but it is warmer than the other three seasons. When spring es, it begins to rain and all living things are ing to. Trees and grass is ing green everywhere. Some birds are flying cheerfully over us and some are singing fine songs in the trees. Before long, beautiful flowers are in blossom. We have a colourful view from here to there.

In spring, people take off their heavy clothes and enjoy the warmness in the sunshine. Children can play games outdoors. They are free from worry to have their wonderful time

5. 5月1用英语写的作文小学5年级

I'm going to enjoy myself during the May Day holiday .On the morning of 1st May ,I'm going to get up late and then read a book . In the afternoon, I'm going out with my family and friends. We 're going to take a walk in the country or go swimming .And on 2nd May we're going to collect litter in the park near my friend's house. It's going to be a great holiday --busy but good fun!。
