
影片讲述的是两个来自芝加哥贫民区的黑人少年威廉姆·盖茨(William Gates)和亚瑟·阿奇(Arthur Agee)的成长历程。他们具有非凡的篮球才能,却只能在街头篮球赛中大展身手,直到被一名星探发现,他们的人生由此改变。两个人的经历与NBA的着名球星伊萨艾·托马斯(Isaiah Thomas)十分相象:靠着天赋和努力从贫民区中一步一步地奋斗,最终获得成功。从这个角度讲,该片可以说是一部成功的运动记录片。与此同时,影片还探讨了美国根深蒂固的种族问题,指出现存的“精英教育体制”忽视了贫民区孩子受教育的权利,向人们展示了年轻的黑人为生存而奋斗的艰苦

第1个回答  2011-04-04
The film tells the two from Chicago slum black teenagers William Gates (William Gates) and Arthur archie (Arthur Agee) growth process. They have extraordinary basketball talent, but only in the street the basketball game until lengths by a star Ethan found that their life thus change. Two personal experience and the NBA star Iraq with SaYi Thomas (Isaiah Thomas) is very alike: recumbent talent and hard work in the slum step by step from the struggle, the ultimate success. From this point, the film can say is a successful sports documentaries. Meanwhile, the movie also discusses the race issue, says ingrained in the education system of existing "elite" ignored by education rights slum children, to show people the young black struggle for survival, the hard
第2个回答  2011-04-05
This film is decribing the growing up life journey of two black skin teenanger William Gaters and Arthur Agee from Chicago slummy. Both of them have an extraordinary basketball talent. But street basketball competition is the only chance for them to show their talent. Until one day their talent had been discovered by a chief. They have a extremly similar life experience as a famous NBA star called Isaiah Thomas. They both believe on their gift and stick on it, until their dreams come true.Here we can say this film is a successfel sport recording film. meanwhile,it also discovered human race 's problem as it always exits in united states. And it also points out a serious problem which is that the children in slummy have the same education rights as the others.本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2011-04-04
The film tells the two from Chicago slum black teenagers William Gates (William Gates) and Arthur archie (Arthur Agee) growth process. They have extraordinary basketball talent, but only in the street the basketball game until lengths by a star Ethan found that their life thus change. Two personal experience and the NBA star Iraq with SaYi Thomas (Isaiah Thomas) is very alike: recumbent talent and hard work in the slum step by step from the struggle, the ultimate success. From this point, the film can say is a successful sports documentaries. Meanwhile, the movie also discusses the race issue, says ingrained in the education system of existing "elite" ignored by education rights slum children, to show people the young black struggle for survival, the hard