

第1个回答  2011-01-10
要让自己的课堂尽力成为“问题”课堂,不能自己从前说到最后,以“问题”的导入各个环节是最常用的 也是最吸引孩子注意力的,因为问题一旦问出,就会引起孩子的注意。所以要在问题上多下功夫,不能太难 又能引发孩子的注意力,如果是小学英语,那问题还要带一些趣味性,用孩子喜欢的事物去引导。同时注意要 声情并茂 有激情。
第2个回答  2011-01-08
1.Let's begin our class.
2.Good moring, class.
3.Who's on duty today?
4.What's the date today?
5.First, let's do some review.
6.Now we're going to do something new.
7.We have some new words.
8.Are you ready?
9.Is that clear?
10.Be quiet, please.
11.Listen carefully, please.
12.Please look at the blackboard.
13.Listen to the tape recorder.
14.Practise in a group.
15.Let's act out the dialogue.
16.Who wants to be A?
17.Can you try?
18.Read after me, please.
19.Come to the front.
20.Please go back to your seat.
21.Put your hand up, please.
22.Please open your books at page...
23.Please answer my question.
24.Please read out this...
25.Stop here, please.
26.Good job.
27.A good try.
28.For today's homework...
29.Hand in your workbooks, please.
30.That's all for today.本回答被网友采纳