
非常感谢贵院体贴的服务与精湛的医术,我今天41岁了,还能以顺产方式分娩,我和宝宝都很健康,这都是xxx医院的功劳,我现在已经回到英国,这真是一段难忘的中国之旅,我也在此结识了很多中国朋友,如xxx医生,xxx护士长,xxx护士and so on ,我也讲告诉我丈夫都朋友们,贵院是外国产妇分娩的首选之地,医生医术精湛,护士门体贴入微,再次感谢xxx医院产科的全体员工,祝您们工作顺利,生活快乐!


第1个回答  2014-12-04
Dear xxx hospital:
       Thank you very much your hospital considerate service and superb skills, I am 41 years old, but also the way to birth delivery, I am very healthy and the baby, this is xxx hospital's credit, I have now returned to the UK, this is really a unforgettable trip to China, I would also like to get to know a lot of Chinese friends, such as doctor xxx, xxx nurse, xxx nurses and so on, I can tell all my friends to tell my husband, your hospital is the first choice of foreign maternity ground , doctors are highly skilled, attentive nurses doors, thanks xxx obstetric hospital staff once again, wish you success in your work, happy life!本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第2个回答  2014-12-05