What are some differences between a republic and a democracy? 求英语短文,两三百字,或更多


第1个回答  2011-01-03
the idea of republic is beyond the theory and practice of democracy, so people pursue it as the social ideal.


" … Chief Justice John Marshall added, "Between a balanced republic and a democracy, the difference is like that between order and chaos.


The constitutional government country is a republic first, then because of the establishment of democracy, and is a constitutional government country.


Bourgeois democracy has given way to people's democracy under the leadership of the working class and the bourgeois republic to the people's republic.


第2个回答  2011-01-03
The basic meaning of republican politics is that the state and the government is public, rather than private, state and government should strive for public interest and shall not strive for private interests. Republican political another basic meaning is that the state government organizations at all levels of leaders, not an inherited, not hereditary, nor commanded, but by free and fair elections. Therefore, fair and free elections, judge whether a country is really a republican political another basic standards. And republic of definition, is not its name is called "republic of China", is its regime whether "line of politics." republican

Democratic a word in Greece word "demos", meaning for the people. Definition: in a certain class scope, according to the principle of equality and the minority is subordinate to the majority to the common management of national affairs state system. In a democracy, the people have the highest beyond lawmakers and government sovereign. Although apply to the world's various democracies nuances, but democratic government is distinguished from other forms of government certain principles and practices. Democracy is by all citizens, directly or through their freely elected representatives of the exercise of power and civil responsibility - the government. Democracy is to protect human freedom of a series of principles and practices; It is the institutionalization of freedom. Democracy is most decided, coupled with individual and minority rights for the principle. All democracies, while respecting the will of the majority at the same time, to protect individuals and minority groups of basic rights. Democracies guard against all-powerful central governments have supreme power, the power of the government dispersed to regional and local levels, understanding that local government must and to the greatest extent to the people as possible and responsive本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第3个回答  2011-01-09