急需三段三个人的英语情景对话 大约每人十句左右 哪位大神帮帮忙啊 悬赏50分

最好是问路的 急需明天就用了

第1个回答  2011-01-02
A:hello.My name is David ,but you can call me Dave.Nice to meet you.
B:Nice to meet you ,too.I'm Mike.This is my classmate Mary.
C:It's nice to meet you too,Dave.
A:Me too.I am Mike'previous friend.I think you are very beautiful.Let' have a good night,
C:Year.Happy new year.I am very excited tonight.
How about going shopping?
B:Good idea!Let'go.
(during the street)
B:Look,how beautiful the sky is tonight?
A:Ohh,The star shone very lovely looking like our bright eyes.It is a good day and I'm very happy.
C:The same to you.Dave,what kind fruit do you like best?
A:I particularly like pear.But I also like apple.Do you remember that time when we were young eatting them together,Mike?
B:sure.Whay a fun that time!How about buying some ?