第1个回答 2014-01-27
英文: We chose a total of six suppliers to participate in the company's bidding. According to the bid opening results, which two abstained; 2 high prices; another two we decided to arrange an interview to select from a general manager. Interview time to be determined.
日文: 私たちには全部で选の6つのベンダーに参加会社の受注にだった。入札审査の结果を见れば、そのうちによって2社から弃権します;2社の価格が高すぎます;残る2社社长の面接をすることを决めた手配中者を选抜家族がいる。面接时间未定だ。
韩文: 우리 모두 재능 이 뛰 어 났 던 6 개 업체 의 입찰 참여 회사.근거 开标 결과 를 보 면 이 중 2 개 기권;2 개 가격 이 너무 비 싼;또 나머지 2 개 배정 하 기로 했 다며 사장 면접 을 수백만 ~ 수천 만원 이라고 한 다.면접 시간 추후 결정 하 기로 했 다.
第2个回答 2014-01-27
We've chosen six suppliers in total for the biding of our company. According to the biding results, two suppliers waiveed, and the prices from other two are too high. For the remaining two suppliers, we decide to arrange an interview with our chief manager and eventually select one. The time of interview is to be determined.本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答 2014-01-27
We chose a total of six suppliers to participate in the company's bidding. According to the bid opening results, which two abstained; 2 high prices; another two we decided to arrange an interview to select from a general manager. Interview time to be determined.
第4个回答 2014-01-27
We invited sixsuppliers for the bid. According to the bidding results, two bidders waived thebidding right, and two offered two excessively high prices. We will arrange forthe remaining two bidders to meet with our general manager, who will then determinethe winner. The meeting time is to be announced.
第5个回答 2014-01-27
We invited 6 suppliers to bid. Bid results show that 2 suppliers gave up and another 2 gave too high prices. For the rest 2 suppliers, we will arrange General Manager interviews and select one as the winner. The time of the interviews is to be decided.