《My family》 家里四口人 我爸是冷藏车司机 我妈是家庭主妇 我是一名警校生 我弟是初中生

《My family》 家里四口人 我爸是冷藏车司机 我妈是家庭主妇 我是一名警校生 我弟是初中生 我喜欢音乐 每天都是听着歌睡着的……100字左右

第1个回答  2014-01-04
I have a family of four, my father is a refrigerated truck driver, my mother is a housewife, of course, my brother, my brother is a junior high school student, he is a student in No.2 Middle school. I like listen to music, I was listening to music to sleep. Every day we returned home, is together happy eating dinner, chat 翻译:我有一个四口之家,我的爸爸是冷藏车司机,妈妈是家庭主妇,当然还有我的弟弟,我的弟弟是初中生,他在二中上学。我很喜欢听音乐,我每天是听着音乐睡着的。每天我们回到家,就在一起幸福的吃着晚饭,聊天
第2个回答  2014-01-04
Hi,I am LiBing.Here aphoto of my family.These are my grangparent.They are on sofa.Those are my mother and father.These two girl are my sisters. Who is the boy?Ha,it is me.My dog Doudou is in the photo,too.
第3个回答  2014-01-04