
(1)Whether or not to tell the seriously ill about their true condition has long been a dilemma for medical professionals. Many doctors believe that concealing the facts from those patients will benefit them psychologically and may help them recover. But new studies show that contrary to this widespread belief, the overwhelming majority of patients want to be told the truth, even in the case of grave illnesses. If they are not, they feel betrayed and misled. As it is, lying makes it difficult for patients to make choices concerning their own health. And keeping a dying patient in the dark prevents him from making decisions about the end of his life. Lying can also cause doctors to lose their integrity and credibility and does harm to colleagues who are honest with their patients. In the long run, lying hurts the entire medical profession. As a consequence of the current concerns, many hospitals have adopted patients’ bills of rights, but patients still need to be wary because the days of physicians deceiving patients are certainly not over yet and may never be.
We all know that we need to “read between the lines” of a text, but some people find writing between them just as helpful. For marking books can be a useful tool at times. This is not true of all books, of course. It would clearly be wrong to scribble notes in a magnificent leather-bound first edition that has been preserved unmarked. Nor would writing on works we just dip into for light entertainment be appropriate. But with one’s own textbooks,marking may have a place. For reading is not just a passive transfer of information from the page to the eye. Reading is a much more active process, in which we need to think through and question what we read in order to integrate it into our existing knowledge. Setting down our ideas on the page as we read and underlining those points we find particularly relevant can have a part to play here. So, next time you sit down to study, instead of letting your eyes just glide lazily over the page,reach for your pen!

第1个回答  2014-07-02



