

第1个回答  2011-01-16
piece_____shoe______orange______lake______bus______fox______war______wish______watch______city______monkey______day_____party______boy______wife______life______zoo______piano______radio______tomato______photo______hero______sheep______foot______woman______child______fish______apple tree_________sports meeting______
______dictionary______man doctor____________
(1)一杯牛奶____________( 2)三张纸___________ (3)四分钟的路程_________________ (4)孩子们的书____________ (5)at my anut’s_________ (6)the girls’ skirts___________ (7)a friend of my brother’s____________ (8)一大箱苹果___________ (9)许多工作___________ (10)三杯茶______ ______ (11)约翰的书包___________ (12)珍妮和海伦的房间____________ (13)比尔的电视机和汤姆的电视机______ ______ (14)我爷爷奶奶的家_________________ (15)雷锋的日记____________(16)问题的答案____________
4.用Be动词的适当形式填空(am, is, are, was, were)
(1)He and I ______good friends. I ____a student.
(2) “I” ____a word in English. (3) You ____happy yesterday because they _____all here.(4)I _____at school last week.
(5)Half of the fruit _____bad. (6)There ____a desk and three chairs here. (7)Look, there ____so much rain here. (8)_____there any people in the room last night? (9)She ____one of my friends. (10)Tom and Mike’s bedroom ____very small. (11)This pair of glasses _____too big for me. (12)The Chinese police _____strong. (13)Yesterday’s news _____very interesting. (14)My brother and I ____good at English. (15)My brother as well as I ____good at football. (16)There _____a few people there, six of them _____workers, the rest ____soldies. (17) March 8th ____women’s Day. (18) There ____a lot of sheep in this place. (19)150 Kilometres ___ a long distance. (20)All the students know Paris ____the capital of France. (21)Tim’s parents _____doctors. (22)Everyone in our class _____ here today. (23)I think nothing_____wrong with my bike. (24)I know physics _____ more difficult than biology. (25)Tom with his classmates ____ going to Japan (26)Here _____some books for you. (27)Mary’s and her sister’s toys _____not expensive at all. (28)Reading English every morning ____useful to the students. (29)Your father ___our English teacher and we ____friends.
(30)This pair of socks ____mine but those pairs of socks ____ not mine, they _____LiMing’s.
1. Please give me two _____(cup) of _____(tea).
2. There are twenty-eight _________(girl student)in our class.
3. We have a lot of ______(fruit) and ______(vegetable) but a little _______(meat) for dinner.
4. Look at this beautiful house, it’s _________(John and Kate)
5. More and more ______(family) eat out on New Year’s Eve.
6. Our new books are on the ______(teacher) desk.
7. My father has two old _______(radio).They’re made in ______(Japanese)
8. We’re in the same_____(school) but in different ____(class)
9.The man goes to the doctor to clean his _____(tooth)every month, but yesterday he pulled out a ______(tooth)
10. I have a _____(watch) and I like to collect all kinds of ___
( )1.they have much colored ___.Let’s go and ask for some.
A. rulers B. paper C. erasers D.sharpeners
( )2.—Are there any ___on the farm?—Yes, there are some.
A. horse B. sheep C. sheeps D. chicken
( )3. There is ____water on the floor. A. a lot B. a lot of C. lot of D. a lots of
( )4.Do you like this ___? Try them on. A. pair of pant B. pant C. pants D. pair of pants
( )5. Bill said they would have _____holiday. A. a two month’s B. two months C. two-months D. two months’
( )6. My mother bought two ____of ___and one ___of ___. A. kilos, fishs, kilo, tomato B. kilo, fishes, kilo, tomatoes C. kilos, fish, kilo, tomatoes D. kilos, fish, kilo, tomato
( )7. –What can I do for you, sir? – I’d like three ____
A. bottle of orange B. bottle of oranges C. bottles of orange
( )8. Where are the ___bag? A. childrens’ B. childrens’s C.children of D. of children
第2个回答  2011-01-16
第3个回答  2011-01-16
就是复习 1短语 2句子 3课文 4语法 5作文