

第1个回答  2023-02-13


Spring Festival, the Chinese Lunar New Year, is commonly known as the New Year, New Year, New Year's Day, etc. It is also called the Chinese New Year and the Chinese New Year. 

The Spring Festival has a long history, and it evolved from the ancient times when people prayed for and offered sacrifices at the beginning of the year. All things are based on heaven, and people are based on ancestors. 

Praying for the old to offer sacrifices, and worshiping the heaven's ancestors, we will repeat the original. 

The origin of the Spring Festival contains profound cultural connotation, and carries rich historical and cultural details in the inheritance and development. 

During the Spring Festival, various activities are held throughout the country to celebrate the New Year, with strong local characteristics. 

These activities are mainly about removing the old and renovating the old, dispelling evil spirits and fightingdisasters,worshipping gods and ancestors, and praying for good fortune. 

They are rich in forms and reflect the essence of traditional Chinese culture.


