
假如你是图书馆理员,用英语在广播中作一通知,告诉同学们借书的规定… 1、图书馆工作时间:下午3时至5时; 2、必须使用借书证借书; 3、一次只能借两本; 4、每本书可借一个月,如想借更长时间,必须续借

第1个回答  2009-04-15
Dear students,I am the library assistant,your attention please!1.Our library is open from 3 to 5 o'clock in the afternoon.2.You must use a library card when borrowing books.3.You can only borrow two books for one time.3.You can keep the books for one month.If you want to keep it longer,you must renew it.