每日一招学英语:合伙买东西 & 如何回答"打算在本公司工作多久"


第1个回答  2022-10-13
1、开口就说 Open your mouth ,合伙买东西,cheap in: 大家出钱,Let’s cheap in enty dollars.
大家出20美元吧。, 2、学来就用 Let’s practice ,如何回答“打算在本公司工作多久”

How long do you plan to stay here?
你打算在本公司工作多久?,How long do you plan to stay with this pany if hired?
如果你被雇佣你打算在本公司工作多久?,I don’t really have set plan.
我还没有具体的计划。,Any ideas?
有什么想法吗?,I will stay until I feel my work here is down.

How long do you plan to stay here?
你打算在本公司工作多久?,My goal is to have enough savings to start my own firm in five years.
我的目标是在5年内存够钱来开自己的公司。,Would you stay here until you can start your own firm?
你会在这儿呆到你自己开公司?,I plan to.
Do you have any idea how long you plan to stay here?
你知道你打算在这儿呆多久吗?,I have no definite ideas in that area right now. It just depends on a number of things
我现在还没有明确的想法,要根据很多事而定。, 3、 天天进步 Make progress everyday ,百货公司购物,a. Have you been to the inventory sale? 你去过清仓大甩卖吗?,b. What a deal! 真划算!,c. What do they have?他们有些什么?,d. Do you know when the sale ends? 你知道拍卖什么时候结束?,e. Have fun! 购物愉快!,f. What time does the mall open? 那家购物中心什么时候开门?,g. I need to get going. 我得赶快去。,h. I need to see a receipt. 我需要看下收据。,【情景对话】, A : Have you been to the inventory sale at the department store?, B : do they have?, A : All shorts,shirts and other summer 's half off., B : Wow!What a deal!, A: I know,I bought three pairs of shorts and four shirts., B : Do you know when the sale ends?, A :It ends tomorrow., B: Well,I need to get going then., A :Have you tomorrow.
