

第1个回答  2012-02-17
Fifty dollars will _ the hotel expenses.
A.cover B suit C.spend D.cost
这题是说55美元就能保住酒店的花费。其中cover的意思是“覆盖, 包括”选A。而D是“要价”
21.John has a new car. I wonder when_ it.
A.he got是陈述句语序,且用了一般过去时,这个got的动作发生在过去。 B.did he get是疑问句语序,错误; C he gets是一般现在时,时态错误;Dhe is gelling是现在进行时,时态错误。
24 .However much _.it will be worth it
A.does the watch cost是疑问句语序,错误;D.the watch costs陈述句语序,正确。
26.He fell off his horse a week ago and_in bed ever since.
D中的has been是现在完成时的系动词部分,表示从过去一个时间点一直延续到现在的状态,和后面的时间状语ever since想呼应,加上后面的表语,就是至今一直在卧床,故正确。A was是一般过去时,未能说明现在的情况,故错误;B had been是过去完成时,未能说明现在的情况,故错误;C.would be是过去将来时,未能说明现在的情况,故错误。
28 Before he set off I packed him some food___he wouldn't get hungry
D.so that是“以便”,引导目的状语从句,表明为说明要给他塞满吃的东西的动机是塞满;A. because是“因为”,引导原因状语从句,而不能引导目的状语从句; B lest是“免得”,要求用在于fear, be afraid之后,故错误;C.even是“甚至”,不是个连词,不能引导从句,故错误
29 With such a variety of food for the dinner. I just didn't know which dish_
begin with才可以表示“以哪一个为开始”,就是从哪一道菜开始吃,而begin只表示“开始”,故选A.
33.They arc going to_their house by building two more rooms onto it
选A.enlarge是“扩大” ;B.increase是“增加”,错误; C.develop是“发展”,错误; D spread是“伸展, 展开, 铺, 涂, 敷, 摆, 传播, 散布”,错误。
44,_the right address.we found her house easily.
A.Given是过去分词,引导的短语代替了一个原因状语从句,given表示“被提供”,它的逻辑主语就是句中的we。 B.Having given不是过去分词,错误; C.Giving是现在分词,表主动意义,错误; D.Give是谓语动词形式,且表主动,错误。
55 _today,he would get there by Friday.
选C Were he to leave是虚拟语气的条件句,表示相反的假设,只有C这句话能和后面的主句搭配。