

第1个回答  2023-03-06
【 #英语资源# 导语】母爱是一杯热茶,清香而温暖;母爱是一首老歌,优美又动听;母爱是一汪清泉,平淡却清甜;母爱是一弯明月,宁静却温柔。母亲节快到了以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Today is mother's day. I think: what can I do for my mother? I thought and thought, and suddenly thought that I could do some housework for my mother, make a greeting card for my mother, and start when my mother is not at home.

  Mom went to help dad. Where should we start? I remember that when my mother does housework, she starts with folding the quilt first. I also learn from my mother. First fold the quilt left and right, then fold it up and down, and then fold it up and down. Then I began to drag the floor. It was not difficult for me to drag the floor from inside to outside. After a while, the floor was dragged by me, and the housework was done. I was tired and sweating. I think: I'm so tired when I do this housework. My mother doesn't say the word "tired" when she does housework every day. What am I doing this?

  I have to make a greeting card for my mother. I brought a piece of cardboard and drew a big wreath. The center of the wreath reads: Mom, you've worked hard, happy holiday!

  Mother came back and saw that the house was clean and found the card. Said: "Junbo, you have grown up, thank you." My heart is sweeter than honey.


  Mother's Day is coming, mother's Day is coming. Today, the interest class gave us a soap flower. Let's go home and wash our mother's hands.

  I got the flower, a smell came to my nostrils, and I ran home with the flower. Back home, I put down my schoolbag, took out the flowers, went to my mother and said, "Mom, today is mother's day. Let me wash your hands!" After hearing this, my mother said with embarrassment, "ah, I'm so old. I still want my children to wash their hands for me." I thought to myself: in order to make my mother have an unforgettable mother's day, I'll go out and wash it for my mother. So I said, "Mom, there's nothing to be ashamed of. Let me wash it for you." Mother nodded.

  I took my mother to the bathroom, took some petals from the flowers and put them in my mother's hand. I thought to myself: will my mother be very moved later? Thinking about it, I have started to wash it. I turned on the tap and the water fell on my mother's hand. The pink petals were soaked and bent up gently. I rubbed my hands back and forth on my mother's hands. After rubbing for a while, I turned on the tap again, washed my mother's hands clean, and wiped my mother's hands dry with a towel. My mother hugged me and said to me, "my son has grown up!" Then he kissed me.

  Mom, I love you, your hands that work for me, and your mouth that nags me about my study. Mom, thank you. You've worked hard!


  On the way of my growth, my mother is the person I want to thank most. I always want to do something for my mother, but I don't have a chance. Today is mother's day. It's a god given opportunity. I must do something for my mother.

  Today, I got up early. The first thing I did after I got up was to clean up my room. I put the pillow right first, and then fold the quilt. It's so difficult to fold the quilt! I turned the quilt over and over and finally folded it. Then he classified books, toys and clothes, and sorted the items in the room in order. Finally, I swept the floor and mopped the floor. When I cleaned the room, I was out of breath. At this time, I realized how hard my mother usually worked.

  I waited quietly for a while, and my mother got up. She was surprised to see me clean up the room. At this time, I ran out and said loudly, "Mom, happy mother's Day!" Mother then understood what was going on. Tears of happiness flowed from the corners of her eyes. She held me in her arms and said, "my daughter has grown up."

  At that moment, I found that my mother was so easily satisfied and moved. I was determined to do more things within my power. Although I can't repay my mother now, I learned to care for my mother on this day, and I feel very happy.


  Today is May 8th. It's mother's day for all mothers in the world.

  This reminds me of my mother's love for me. My mother gets up early and goes to bed late every day. She has to ride a bike to see me off in the morning regardless of wind and rain. Once in the morning, it was raining heavily and windy. The umbrellas we were holding were almost blown away by the wind, but my mother gave me the umbrella, but I was caught in the rain and blown by the wind. At school, my mother was wet with rain, but there was no complaint. My mother often tutors me in my study. Every time I go home from school to do my homework, my mother has to accompany me. When I encounter problems, my mother teaches me at any time. At night, I fall asleep and my mother is busy doing housework.

  Today is my mother's holiday. I want to repay my mother. My plan is like this: carry water for my mother at night, wash my feet, kiss my mother when I go to bed, and say loudly that I love you!


  There are many professions in the world. Everyone plays a different profession. No matter which profession seems handy, but no one can do well except mother.

  My mother is not as beautiful as other people's mothers, but my mother is the most beautiful in my heart; My mother is not as gentle as other people's mothers, but my mother always brings me a feeling of severity and tenderness. I take my mother with an oval face, fat and lovely, and a pair of fat and big hands. That said, those hands are very energetic and gentle, and she also has a pair of very beautiful double eyelids.

  Mother was very sensible when she was young. Once, in order to reduce the burden on the family, my mother gave up her study and worked in a small factory. In a short month, my mother got her first salary. Instead of spending the salary indiscriminately, my mother bought a new dress for my grandmother for the first time. At that time, my family was poor and I was afraid I couldn't eat a meal of meat in a month. Once my father bought my mother's favorite shrimp. At dinner time, my father just watched my mother eat, but he didn't eat a bite. Obviously, it's not that he doesn't like to eat, but that he leaves it to his mother.

  Today is mother's day. Once again, I wish all mothers in the world happy every day and smooth sailing.


  Today is international mother's day. I want to wash my mother's feet.

  I let my mother sit on the sofa first. I went to the bathroom to get the basin, then poured water, came to my mother and sat down to wash it for her. My mother said that the water was a little cooler. I poured some hot water in with a pot. My mother said it was much more comfortable. My mother leaned against the sofa with a smile and knitted a sweater. I looked at the slender feet in the basin and thought while washing: my mother was wearing a white dance skirt, A pair of beautiful crystal dance shoes are worn on her slender feet. In the beautiful crystal castle, I play beautiful music on the piano, and my mother dances with beautiful melody

  Mother said, "this is the first time I enjoy your blessing!" "Ha ha" I smiled.

  I rubbed my mother's feet and washed them very clean. First wash the left foot, wash every gap of the left foot, and then wash the right foot, just like washing the left foot.

  I held a foot cloth in one hand and dragged my mother's feet in the other hand to wipe the water off it. My mother smiled happily and said, "thank you!" "You're welcome, you're welcome!" I immediately replied with a smile.

  I carried the foot washing water into the bathroom, and my mother was still remembering the happy time on the sofa.


  When I woke up, I suddenly remembered that today is mother's day. Thinking of giving my mother a gift on Mother's day, I jumped out of bed quickly.

  I rushed to my mother's bed like an arrow and said to my mother, "Mom, happy mother's Day!" And ask mom to push the electric car out. My mother said, "Why are you pushing the electric car out so early? Today is Sunday. Let me sleep a little more. I thought: I must not let my mother know my plan, otherwise the holiday gift given to my mother would be meaningless. So I woke up my father and quietly told my father my plan.

  Dad helped me push the electric car out. Seeing the dust on the electric car and thinking of the ups and downs my mother used the electric car to send me to school every day, I decided to wipe the electric car very clean and clean to surprise my mother. So I found a rag and carefully wiped the front, body, rear and rear-view mirror. Just after wiping, my mother got up, saw the dirty rag in my hand, looked at the clean electric car, and said in surprise, "did you wipe it?" I said, "yes, this is my gift for your mother's day." My mother smiled and said to me, "you are really a sensible and good child."

  Although I feel a little tired, I feel very happy to hear my mother's praise.


  Today is the annual mother's day. In the morning, I get up early and make my action plan for today.

  First of all, I get up, fold the quilt, wash my face, brush my teeth and dress. When I'm ready, I go out to buy breakfast. As I walked, I thought: what's mom's favorite food? But I decided to buy bean curd. I spent a total of 3 yuan. When I bought it back, I asked my mother to eat. My mother said, "Yuying, you really have to grow up." "Happy Mother's Day!" Mother smiled happily, and the smile was full of mild tears.

  The second thing is to help my mother clean up. The first is to clean the table. The table is full of my favorite snacks. As I work, I say, "I'm so tired! What's the secret of my mother's work?" Then I swept the floor. The floor was covered with stickers. It was really hard to clean. I swept for 30 minutes and there was no trace of dirt on the ground. The next thing is to mop the floor. When mopping the floor, you should mop it hard, otherwise it won't be clean. Mother looked at my work and kept nodding her head.


  Today, mother's Day is coming. I decided to do one thing for my mother - I want to wash my mother's feet, wash away her fatigue and dust on her feet. First of all, I want to buy some carnations, and then boil a pot of water. When the water boils and smokes, I pour it into the basin, and then put the petals into the basin to let the carnation smell in the water

  Well, now everything is ready, only due to the east wind. I called my mother over and asked her to put her feet into the basin with strong fragrance. I washed my mother's feet myself. My hands will wash away the fatigue of my mother all day. no Is so many years of hard work! I felt the soles of my mother's cocooned feet and felt very uncomfortable. My mother lovingly stroked my head. She was very happy and kept saying, "my son has grown up and is sensible. My mother is very happy." And I told my mother that while I should study hard, I should also learn to do more housework and help my mother share the burden of the family.

  Today's mother's day, my mother and I had a good time. Who established mother's day? It's really a festival in the world. It allows mothers all over the world to receive blessings and returns. Even if it's just a few words, even if it's just a small thing, it will really warm their hearts!


  Today is mother's day. I'm very happy because it's my dearest mother's day.

  I had to get up early. I was thinking about what I should do to make my mother happy until 8 a.m. Finally, I thought of it - I usually like preserved egg porridge best. I can use the leftover eggshell to make a work of art.

  First, I took out a prepared eggshell and went to the kitchen to clean it. Then I took out a 24 color watercolor pen in the room and drew a picture on the eggshell - my mother and I flew kites on the open grass. Scene. Under the blue sky, my mother and I enjoyed playing, making noise, laughing and running. After I finished painting, I wrote on the back of the eggshell "Happy Mother's day, mom, I love you!"

  No, mom got up. I quickly put the eggshell in the drawer. Because I want to give my mother a little surprise.

  In the afternoon, I secretly took out the eggshell from the drawer. Then he said to his mother, "Mom, close your eyes and I have something to show you." My mother closed her eyes. I took out the eggshell from behind and put it in my mother's hand. I also asked my mother to open her eyes. My mother was very happy when she saw it! She looked at me with joy and said to me, "baby, you are really sensible! Mom is so happy today!"
