
1.What was the difference between Bruce's behaviour and that of other people? that of 这个怎么解释?
2. He went into a low gear and drove at a terrifying speed,keeping the front wheels astride the carck as he followed its zigzag course.
3.Rarely have the fortunes of technology companies appeared to differ so widely.

第1个回答  2009-05-16
1、that用为抽象名次的指示代词,在这里只带抽象意义的“行为(behaviour)”,that of others就是别人的行为


3、这句话是倒装句,主语是the fortunes,正序为:the fortunes of technology companies rarely have appeared to differ so widely.意思是“科技公司的财富似乎很少有如此差异。”本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2009-05-16
1. that of - 用来代替behaviour,使其不必进行重复。
2. as-并且,与此同时; 起到并列的作用;course - 路线的意思。
3. 主语是companies; 翻译成:极少拥有技术财富,公司们显示出极大差别。
第3个回答  2009-05-16
that 是代词 指代的是行为 也就是 the behavior of other people =that of other people 避免重复就用that代替behavior
as 随着,当。。时,和
when 的意思差不多 course 是路线的意思
句首的rarely是否定的意思 这样的词放在句首句子要倒装, the fortunes of technology companies (主语)have Rarely appeared (联系动词 和be动词功能一样)to differ so widely.(表语)