
2. Microbial Processes on the Farm

On the farm itself, tops and trash from the sugarcane harvest should be colleted for composting. In many areas of Australia, for example, it is prohibited to burn garden trash. Such a law should also be extended to the farms. Composting is an excellent way to produce biofertilizer with a relatively high mineral salt content. As will be outlined below, this compost can be converted into rich humus using supplementation with animal waste to the local community or spread back onto the fields. This microbial process not only would eliminate air pollution but would also reduce the costs of expensive chemical fertilizer used by the farmer, which only harm the soil microbial mineralization process.

3. Microbial Processes Attached to the Sugarmill Operation

The energy requirement for the mill should be supplemented with biogas, which has a much higher heat value compared to the present use of bagasse. This would free the bagasse, which is an excellent resource for mushroom production. Lignocellulosic fibres supplemented with solids from the anaerobic digester would give an ideal carbon: nitrogen ratio. Mushrooms are the only microorganisms capable of excreting the enzymes needed to separate the lignin economically from cellulose and hemicellulose. The residue from mushroom production will enrich the composting of the tops and trash or can be used as biofertilizer.

第1个回答  2009-05-02
2 。微生物的农场
