going home 还是 going to home?关于「go」你该知道的6种用法!


第1个回答  2022-10-31


1.go ……

后面可接: home, downtown, shopping, swimming, camping, dancing, fishing, sailing

英文中有些词,当我们在说go…的时候,不用加上任何介系词,例如home跟downtown就是其中的两个单字,直接说going home/downtown 就可以了。

另外就是一些活动的单词,直接加V+ing即可,例如shopping, swimming…… 等都是。

2.go to ……

后面可接: class, work, school, college, university, bed, prison, jail, Washington, Amsterdam, Japan, Italy, Europe, Asia

class, work, school……等单词,都是用go to…… ,而国家、城市名也是,例如Japan, Europe等。

3.go to a ……

后面可接: party, conference, concert

另外,party, conference, concert则是用go to a …… ,如果你跟对方都知道彼此口中所说的party或concert,你也可以说go to the party/concert。但如果你只是想表达,你要去参加某个舞会、音乐会,那么直接用go to a party/concert即可。

4.go to the ……

后面可接: doctor, dentist, specialist, bank, supermarket, mail, airport

而当我们再说要去看医生、牙医的时候,通常我们已经知道自己要去看哪个医生、哪个牙医,对于已知的人事物,会直接用the 当介系词。例如go to the mail, go to the airport等都是。

5.go on ……

后面可接: a vacation, a cruise, a trip

另外vacation, cruise, trip等单词,都是使用go on a ……。例如go on a vacation, go on a cruise, go on a trip。

范例: She is going on a vacation.

6.go for ……

后面可接: a walk, swim, a drive

最后一个用法则是go for。例如go for a walk, go for a swim, go for a drive。for后面都是接名词。

范例: would you like to go for a walk?

go, go for, go for 中文, go for 意思, Go on, go on 中文, go on 意思, go to a, go to the, go 中文, go 文法, go 片语, go 用法, go 相关片语, going home 跟 going to home 差别, going home 还是 going to home, got off the back of the truck
