以Ways to relieve stress为主题,两个男生展开一段3分钟以上(每人都要说1.5分钟以上)的英语对话


第1个回答  2016-12-20
A: Hello, B. You look worried, what's wrong with you?
B:Yeah, I feel upset these days because I will take an exam next week.
A:Oh, I see. You are stressed. I think you should try to relieve your stress because it's bad for both your health and spirit.
B: I agree with you. How can I do that?
A:You can talk to your friends and parents about your emotion, and they will help you to go through this hard time.
B:Good idea. Anything else?
A: Taking exercise is also a good way to reduce your stress, such as running, jogging, and playing basketball.
B: Do you think doing housework will help me?
A: You can have a try. When you are busy, you will forget the unhappiness and feel happy,right?
B:Oh, I see. Thank you!
A: You are welcome.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2017-01-02
Good afternoon. Peace Restaurant. May I help you?