哪位大侠能帮我把这段用软件翻译过来的英文整理的符合英语语法一下 谢谢 很急!!!

中文 机车信号是保障铁路行车安全,提高列车运行效率的重要设备之一。在当前列车运行速度不断提高的情况下,其作用尤为明显。而采取主体化机车信号的同时,我们实施一次模式曲线控制列车运行,这需要地面设备提供大量信息,应答器点式数据传输设备应运而生。本次设计从“机车三大件”之一的机车信号入手,对“机车信号与站内电码化”、“应答器系统原理”进行讲解和演示。主要包括机车信号功能与原理、站内电码化原理、应答器系统原理与应用等等。书本知识是平面的,抽象的,在这我将文字、图片、动画结合起来做成多媒体课件,使抽象的概念形象化、具体化,调动学生的多种感官的综合运用,诱发学生的情感共鸣,优化课堂教学,使得学生学习起来更轻松、便利。

翻译 Locomotive signal is the guarantee a railway traffic safety, improve the efficiency of the train running one of important equipment. In the current speed of trains continuously improve, its effect is particularly obvious. And take subjectivation locomotive signal at the same time, we implement a mode curve control train operation, this need ground equipment provide lots of information, data transmission equipment transponder telemetry point came into being. This design from the "three motorcycle parts" of one of the locomotive signaling of the "locomotive signal and stand inside DianMaHua", "response inverter system principle" in the lecture and presentation. Mainly includes the locomotive signaling function and principle, stand inside DianMaHua principle, the transponder telemetry system principle and application, and so on. The book knowledge is flat, abstract, in this I will text, pictures, animations combined to make the multimedia coursewares, make the abstract concept of visual and materialize and mobilize students' various senses of comprehensive, induce students' emotional resonance, the optimization classroom teaching, the students learn more easy and convenient up.

第1个回答  2012-05-10
Locomotive signaling is one of important equipments to guarantee railway traffic safety, and improve the efficiency of the train transportation, whose effect is particularly obvious at present as the speed of trains continuously improves. And as taking subjectivation locomotive signaling, we apply mode curve technology to control train operation, which needs lots of information provided by ground equipments, then occurred this data transmission device called transponder point telemetry. This design began with one of the so-called "three motorcycle parts": the locomotive signaling of the "locomotive signal and codizing inside signals", "response inverter system principle" in the lecture and presentation. Mainly includes the locomotive signaling function and principle, stand inside DianMaHua principle, the transponder telemetry system principle and application, and so on. The book knowledge is flat, abstract, in this I will text, pictures, animations combined to make the multimedia coursewares, make the abstract concept of visual and materialize and mobilize students' various senses of comprehensive, induce students' emotional resonance, the optimization classroom teaching, the students learn more easy and convenient up.
第2个回答  2012-05-10
Locomotive signal is one of the important equipments to guarantee railway traffic safety and improve the efficiency of train running. As the current speed of trains continuously improve, its effect is particularly obvious. And taking subjectivation locomotive signal at the same time, we implement a mode curve control train operation, which needs lots of information provided by ground equipments. Data transmission equipment transponder telemetry point emerges as the times require. This design based on the one of the "three motorcycle parts" locomotive signaling, explains and displays the "locomotive signal and stand inside coding" and "response inverter system principle". Mainly includes the locomotive signaling function and principle, stand inside coding principle, the transponder telemetry system principle and application, and so on. The book knowledge is flat and abstract, therefore, I will combine text, pictures and flash to make the multimedia coursewares, in order to make the abstract concept visualized and materialized, to inspire students' various senses, to induce students' emotional resonance, to optimize classroom teaching, and to make the students’ learning easier and more convenient.
第3个回答  2012-05-10

Locomotive signal is one of the important equipments to guarantee railway traffic safety and improve the efficiency of train running. As the current speed of trains continuously improve, its effect is particularly obvious. And taking subjectivation locomotive signal at the same time, we implement a mode curve control train operation, which needs lots of information provided by ground equipments. Data transmission equipment transponder telemetry point emerges as the times require. This design based on the one of the "three motorcycle parts" locomotive signaling, explains and displays the "locomotive signal and stand inside coding" and "response inverter system principle". Mainly includes the locomotive signaling function and principle, stand inside coding principle, the transponder telemetry system principle and application, and so on. The book knowledge is flat and abstract, therefore, I will combine text, pictures and flash to make the multimedia coursewares, in order to make the abstract concept visualized and materialized, to inspire students' various senses, to induce students' emotional resonance, to optimize classroom teaching, and to make the students’ learning easier and more convenient.本回答被提问者采纳