he has no house which to live in 介词in 放后面为什么不对?放前面就对呢

看一本语法书上介绍he has no house in which to live是对的

第1个回答  2012-04-23
这个应该是对的吧,in which等于where这个是没有问题的。
第2个回答  2012-04-14
主要是因为live in不是固定搭配的短语动词,介词放前面构成介词+which或者跟在不及物动词后都可以,但如果是固定搭配的短语动词如take care of等 ,就不能将其生拆开来,如
This is the plan which we are carrying on. 就不能说成为 This is the plan on which we are carrying.
第3个回答  2012-04-12
He has no house to live in.
或者He has no house in which he can live.本回答被网友采纳