
题目:on diligance 要求:1.勤奋就是… 2.勤奋是学业进步的重要条件、3.做一个勤奋学习的学生 4.一百二十词左右

第1个回答  2012-04-11
Diligence is the first secret of success
Have such a picture: in a lush grass, there are six horses are chewing grass, they all are very powerful; And a horse lay in a no grass on the wasteland sleep, so thin that is so poor.
 this picture give my feeling very much, among them the deepest feelings is: no matter what we do things could not be lazy, must be diligent. Only hard work, in the future to the country to become a useful talents to the society, otherwise, as the horse thin horses, lazy all day, it can never be a horse race.
 in modern China ChenJingRun mathematician, climb the summit of mathematics in road, looked up thousands of the relevant information at home and abroad, to study all night reading denier, operations research, scoring a shocked the world of achievement, become the most close to mathematics in the crown of pearl-the first person of goldbach's conjecture. 
Great inventor Thomas Edison, in order to study the ideal incandescent filament, the thousands of times experiment, almost all metals are he tested, it is with the spirit of work hard to make the "incandescent lamp" success, become the world admire the invention of the king. Almost all of the outstanding achievements have a hard-working continue to struggle to the history of the competition, but seldom have by speculative win. Visible any successes in are hard and inseparable. 
Gorky said: "genius is nothing but labor and diligence. Carlyle also said: "genius is a relentless hard effort". These celebrity experience tell us, only hard work, can become.
 now, we are like the seven horse, the teacher to us about every day of knowledge is the ground that the green grass. We all stood in the same starting line. For our learning school family environment is again good but. But why some learn XiHao with, and some students study not good? The fundamental problem is to see who is the most diligent, second is the day of and methods.
 who does not hope for my country modernization make contribution, who don't want to be a pillar, well, let me tell you: diligence is become the first gist.

有这样一幅图画:在一片葱郁的草地上,有六匹马正在咀嚼着青草,它们个个都 长得十分雄健;可又有一匹马却躺在一片没有青草的荒地上睡着觉,瘦得是那么可怜。
 这幅画给我的感想很多,其中感受最深的就是:无论我们做什么事情都不能懒惰 ,一定要勤奋。只有勤奋,将来才能成为一个对国家对社会有用的人才,否则,像那匹瘦马 一样,整天懒惰,那么就永远也不能成为一个骏马良驹。
 我国当代数学家陈景润,在攀登数学高峰的道路上,翻阅了国内外上千本有关资料,通宵达 旦地看书学习,演算研究,最后取得了震惊世界的成就,成为最接近数学王冠上的明珠—— 哥德巴赫猜想的第一人。
大发明家爱迪生,为了研究出理想的白炽灯丝,进行了上千次的实验,几乎所有的金属都被 他试验过了,正是凭着这种勤奋刻苦的精神才取得了“白炽灯”的 成功,成为世人仰慕的发明大王。几乎所有取得突出成就的人都有一部勤劳刻苦奋斗竞争 的历史,绝少有靠投机取巧取胜的。可见任何成就的取得都是与刻苦勤奋分不开的。
高尔基说过:“天才出于勤奋”。卡莱尔也说过:“天才就是无止境地刻苦勤奋的努力”。 这些名人的经验之谈告诉我们,只有勤奋,才能成才。
 现在,我们就好比是那七匹马,老师每天给我们讲的知识就是地上那青青的野草。我们每个 人都站在同一个起跑线上。学校家庭给我们的学习环境也是再好不过的了。可为什么有的同 学学习好,而有的同学就学习不好呢?根本的问题就是看谁最勤奋,其次才是天份和方法。
 谁不希望能为祖国的四化做出贡献,谁不希望自己能成为一个栋梁之才,那么,让我告诉你 :勤奋才是成才的第一要诀。