

第1个回答  2019-12-13
1. on the left/ right 在左边/右边
2, in the top right-hand corner 右上角/ in the bottom left-hand corner 左下角
3, opposite the hospital 在医院对面
2, run along .......沿着...
5, across.. from... 从...穿过....
6, go further down the ...., ..... is on your left 沿着....往前走,....就在你的左手边
7, follow the path round the second corner and ..is on your right 沿着小道走到第二个拐弯处,...就在你的右手边
8, ..... is situated between... and ..... 位于....之间
9, .... is one the near/ far side on the... 在某物较近/远的一边
10, take the first turning on the left 在第一个路口/拐弯处左转
11, to the east of.. is... 在...的东边是....
12, sth..is situated near/ next to...在.....附近或旁边
13, in the south-eastern corner.. 在东南角落
14, beyond the swimming pool 在靠近游泳池一边
15, to the right of the supermarket...面向超市右边(注意,这个很重要,是面向超市,以后听到不用犹豫,直接反应过来)
16, on the corner of....Street and.....Street 在...街和....街的拐角处
17, at the junction of ....Street and ..... Street 在...街和...街的交叉路口(这种表达在真题里出现了好多好多好多次!)
18, at the intersection of...在......的交叉路口
19, immediately to your right 进门的右手边
20, go across... 从表面穿过
21, go through....从里面穿过
22, the ....is at the end of.....在.....尽头
23, at the back of.....在......背面
24, go straight ahead to the far side of the....直走到....的远的一边
25, across the road from the bank 穿过马路在银行对面
26, go east along...until you see... 沿着....向东走直到看见.....
27, by the entrance to... 在.....的入口附近
28, you will go past the....你将会经过.....